The war

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I opened my eyes. I was in black room. Pearl stood across from me.

"Your brother did the exact same thing you know." She scoffed. "You're just as stupid." she spat.

"My braver then anyone I ever met he kept you contained for this long, I say he did a pretty good job." I retorted.

"I broke your brothers faith and hope bit by bit until there was nothing." she snarled.

"Yet he escaped. Because he still fought even when you thought he had given up...and I'm no quitter."

"We'll see. Your in my world!" she laughed. I ran at her my feet pelting against the ground. "Pathetic."she flicked her wrist and a wind blew knocking me back further. "Every Sui Generis I kill, every body I take over comes with their power." She raised her fist in the air shaking it. She dropped it and teleported all over the place, she turned into a wolf making multiple of herself, she returned back to human form. "I have every power imaginable you can't touch me."

She doesn't have mine.

I focused on all my power surging through my veins. I thought of every animal imaginable. I opened my eyes. I looked to my left and right seeing my army of electrified animals, all snarling at Pearl. I heard slow clapping. I turned to Pearl. The clapping multiplied with every clone she made of herself. The clapping then turned into growls and roars from the hundreds of lions and wolves lined up, matching the number of animals I had. They all ran at each other clawing at each other. A flame singed my leg. I looked up to see Pearl in her human form wielding fire in her palm. 3 lightning balls formed and hovered spinning in a circle around my palm. We ran at each other. the lighting balls morphed into a sword. As we came running at each other I plunged the blade in her eye socket, I then pulled it back. I looked at my prize on the end of the sword. A shriek of pain escaped Pearl. The fabric protecting my wound caught fire, I immediately ripped it off. I glared at Pearl her right eye socket was bleeding, she closed her eyelids covering the black abyss where her eye once was. I plucked the eye off the end of my sword, put it on the floor and squished it underneath my foot. I heard her growl with hatred. She sprinted to me at super speed, kicked me in the center of my chest. I flew back and bounced off the floor. It winded me it took a few seconds to regain a steady breath. I ripped off some fabric from my pants and covered my aching wound again. I ran back to her, I punched her using as much power as possible. This caused her to falter back a bit, but she regained balance and came back. Punching me over and over until she knew that I definitely couldn't get up.

"See...worthless..piece..of...crap."She panted and kicked my leg. My entire body ached with pain and exhaustion. "You can put up a fight...but still futile...your just delaying the inevitable."

"And what's that?" I asked. She turned to me with a psychotic smile.

"Your death, my rule over all worlds. Your just a red light I'm waiting to see turn green." She crouched down next to me. "should have just let me go, now more people are gonna die because of you." She hissed in my ear. She looked at me expectantly, waiting for a reaction. I just stared at her.

Don't give up Taylor, Libby, Shakira, Simone, Tara, Zane good people died today because they believed that we can defeat her don't give up.

I got up to my feet.

"Just give up already!" her frustration levels rose.

"Why should I !?!" I ran up to her and started beating her to a a pulp. She grew leathery wings a flew up. Her eyes flamed with rage. She shot countless fire balls at me singing hairs off my body, but I wasn't giving up. I used my powers and grew wings of my own, they sparked with every flap as a propelled myself to Pearl. I wrapped my arms around her hips and torpedoed down towards the ground, smashing it on impact. I punched her with all my might, putting as much power into every single hit. I kept punching until my fists were sore. All her clones disappeared along with my animals. She got up but I pushed her down.
"You killed my friends, innocent people, the man I loved and you stole my brother from doubt if I let you go that your just gonna create chaos. You need to die." I looked in her eye, I couldn't detect any fear in her face only pure hate. She leaped into the air, swinging an axe down to my head. I closed my eyes. I felt the blade touch my skin but was gone in an instant. I saw Pearl lying on the ground the axe next to her. I looked down at my hands tiny lightning bolts ran across my skin. I approached her, grabbed the axe. Using all my strength I bought it down on her neck.Slicing through her skin and bone. I collapsed to my knees dropping the weapon. I felt strong arms wrap around me.

"You did it." Jake mumbled into my hair.

"My god Willow you look awful." Jacob said with a grin. Jacob helped me to my feet and I hugged him, it was good to have my brother back.

"Is it over?" Chaise asked.

"Yes it's finally over." I laughed. I took a step and collapsed to the ground.

"WILLOW!" Jake came rushing to my side.


My vision became blurry until I completely blacked out.

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