cHaPteR 26~Iron Man ?

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In the last 24 hours Barry has been pummeled , bruised , punches , squashed by a shelf ( not completely , but you know it was a close call ), told he needed to be able to create a sonic boom by running mock 1.1 , broke a punching bag and has suffered a serious lack of caffeine .

So let's just say it was rough .

At the moment he was well , punching Eddie's mitted hands . Left , right , left , duck as Eddie strikes back , repeat .

He had done about twenty rounds of these , he was out of breath , he was not used to these types of exercises . Sure he was running fit , but the thought occurred to him that he might need to practice these types of exercises some more .

" Good job Allen , well done . " Eddie congratulated him as he took a step back , giving Barry some space . " Just work on your speed ."

"I'll try my best ." Barry said , a smug smile on his face .

Just then , he heard the sound of Nate's sneakers rush up to the lab . She was out of breath when she reached the lab .

"Barry .... It's Iris ." She said out of breath , her face contoured with worry .

"What ?" Eddie asked , his pleasant mood changing quickly " Where is she . "

"We ... don't know." Nate said looking away , " But we'll find her , all we know is that Woodward took her . "

"Go alright I'll call Joe . " Allen called to Eddie who was already springing into action grabbing his jacket and his gun . And running out of the lab .

"We have to call Cisco and Caitlin . " Barry said , walking up to Nate , and they walked at a quick pace together .

"On it ." Nate said whipping out her phone .

She had STAR labs on speed dial , and rang the number .

It only rang twice before Cisco answered :" Yo Nate what's up ."

"Tony took Iris , I need you to do whatever you can to help us find her .Check cameras , satellites ,CCTV everything . " Nate said , as they started to descend the stairs .

"You got it , I'll keep you posted ." Cisco replied .

"Thanks..." But Nate didn't finish , they came face to face with Joe .

"Hey guys what's up " he asked nonchalant , clearly not knowing . Though his brow furrowed when he saw their facial expressions .

Barry sighed , shaking his head . "Tony took Iris, Joe . We don't know where she is ."

" But we got our people on it Joe . " Nate said reassuringly , placing a hand on his shoulder .

Joe didn't reply , he looked down shaking his head , he rubbed his eyes with his hand . He looked like he had already lost hope . " Hey hey hey .." Nate said , shaking his shoulder a bit to get his attention , " We'll find her okay? Don't worry . " He looked up , she gave him a reassuring smile .

"You don't think he'll hurt her do you ?" Joe asked Barry .

Barry have another sigh , he was about to reply , when Nates phone rang . It was star labs so she put it on loud speaker.

"Hey Nate , we just got a ping ,about a fire alarm at a school , Carmichael..." he didn't need to finish , because Barry reacted immediately , and in less than a second he was gone .

Nate ended the call , not bothering whether Cisco had finished talking or not . " I need to get to STAR labs . " She told Joe , before she too ran out of the precinct , and once she was in the clear , she teleported away .

The Griffin's Lightning (A Flash Fan fiction) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now