Chapter 31. Painful Memories

Start from the beginning

"Wait, how old are you?" I paid close attention. Billy gave me an incredulous look.

"I'm fifteen." He rolled his eyes as mine went wide. What the . . .

"I thought you were eleven or something!" I yelled, I thought I was older than him!

"Whatever." He muttered, it took me a few seconds before I decided to ask about his sister.

"So . . . Cancer. That must've . . . suck?" I fumbled with my fingers, "Do you miss her?"

"Of course." Billy turned quiet Ooh, touchy subject.

"How come you never mentioned her before?"

"Well, firstly, I don't have a reason to. Secondly, dad made me swore to never talk about her." He whispered.

"Why?" I gave him a confused look.

"Mom couldn't handle it, she was so depressed when she passed away. It's creepy but she almost went insane." Billy lowered his voice, "She would cry all day, she became unhealthy. It took her months in psychiatry before she became 'normal' again." He explained.

"That's really sad . . ." I mumbled.

"Yeah, girls are so . . . fragile." Billy stared at the floor in deep thought.

"Oh, is that why you're afraid of girls?" I said as I realized, Billy seems taken aback at first before replying,

"I'm not afraid of girls!" He shouted and stood up, he picked the tray up and stormed out of the room without another word.

Uh huh . . . Bullseye.

Now what do I do? I don't have my things, they're still at my home . . . I can't stay unoccupied, I'll end up crying again. Ugh.

I took my phone out and dialed Kevin, I really need to tell them the news. It rang for a few seconds before I heard Kathleen on the other end.

"Heya! How're you!?" As usual, she was excited.

"Hey . . . Um . . . Are you guys busy?" I asked.

"No, we're actually bored and Kevin is being a pain in the ass! Get the fu-" I heard shuffling on the other end. "Kevin! Leave me alone!" Kathleen shouted, I literally had to move the phone away from my ears.

"Um . . ." I mumbled.

"Sorry about that, what is it?" Kathleen laughed.

"Well . . .Could you use your computer, maybe in an hour?" I asked.

"Sure, what's up?" Her voice became serious.

"I'll tell you everything later, we'll have a video call, okay?"

"Uh . . . Okay then."

I hung up and sighed, Now I have to go to the local computer shop. I think I'll take a shower first, I gathered the things i'll need from my backpack and slowly tiptoed out of the room without being seen. I hurriedly entered the bathroom and locked the door. Come to think of it, why am I hiding? Maybe it's the feeling that I want to stop causing trouble for them.

I took a warm shower, wore my gray hoodie -which is thicker than the others, pants and shoes. I'm going to freeze in this weather. I quietly walked back to my room and brushed my hair in front of the dresser and took my phone and wallet from my backpack. Alright, time to go . . .

I head out but was stopped,

"Marika, is that you?" Robert called from the room which I think is the living room.

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