"This is the type of music people like, it doesn't have to sound good it just has to sell isn't that what you taught me Saint." Armani asked and I could see who pissed Saint was getting, he's been like that since Mario left like six months ago to 'clear his head'.

"Darion, you can cut out for the rest of the day......" Saint said and I quickly gathered my stuff and looked at Ivanna, I really didn't want her getting back in my car but I knew my Uncle Enzo would trip if I didn't get his princess home safely. Once we were heading to Ivanna's house I just had to ask something that had been on my mind most of the day.

"How long have you and Armani been fucking?" I asked and Ivanna started stuttering. "Don't play me like I'm stupid, if me and Saint hadn't been in there I'm certain he probably would've tried to fuck you. So I'm going to ask does Uncle Enzo know because I'm sure he would love to know his baby girl is out here fucking with Armani the biggest slut in Texas, don't this nigga got four kids and he's only nineteen?" I asked.

"Darion you can't say anything please......" Ivanna said and this was my favorite part of blackmail, the negotiations.

"Aight I'll keep my mouth shut for now, but you gotta lay off of Ace you stressin my boy out for no damn reason and this is just the first thing I want I'll have a list ready for you tomorrow." I said as we pulled into her driveway, Ivanna got out pissed but I didn't care she was too damn stuck up and she had to learn you couldn't go around treating people like shyt. I pulled off and headed over to Alex's house to grab Odion's homework, when I got there him and Danielle were standing out front talking and I couldn't help but feel a little jealous......

"Ayy Darion I thought you weren't getting off until later." Alex said but I couldn't help but notice how hard Dani was staring at me. "Darion?" Alex said waving his hand in front of my face.

"My bad where's Odion's homework?" I asked and he pointed to the house; I walked inside, talked to my aunt for a couple minutes before grabbing the folder with Odion's homework and walking back to the door.

"Tell AJ to come clean this damn living room up, everything in here is his and I'm not cleaning up after no man besides the one I'm fuc......" Nope, I thought quickly walking.

"Alex your mom said go clean the living room, I'll catch y'all later....." I said walking to my car.

"Darion hold up....." Dani said running to catch up to me and I had to hold my breath because she smelled so damn good I just wanted to push her up against my car and fuc..... nah I couldn't go there. "That video was childish as fuck....." She said smirking.

"What makes you think it was me?" I asked taking a step back because she was standing to close for me not to just start kissing her and I could tell by the look in her eyes it was exactly what she wanted me to do.

"Because I recognize your dick...... it's been ingrained in my memory since that night, not to many dudes have three legs." She said and I knew exactly what night she was talking about, there was this party and I was a little drunk and things between us almost got NSFW (Not Safe For Work).

"Look Dani I can't go there with you...... Alex has been in love with you since y'all were kids, I would never do that to him. No matter what I'm feeling for you and I am feeling something for you, I have been since I met you." I said quietly.

"That's all I needed to hear...." She said trying to kiss me.

"I can't....." I said getting in my car and speeding off, my reasoning behind it is simple; I know Alex better than most people and I knew how he felt and how he'd react if he found out about how I felt about Danielle, he could hold a grudge like no other person in our family except maybe Cori and Uncle Marcus. I got home and went looking for Odion expecting him to be in his room but he wasn't after looking I found him in the backyard holding an ax, what the fuck was he doing?

"Odi?" I asked as he swung the ax cutting the head off a snake, then he turned to me and his eyes were unfocused..... I didn't recognize this dude just like when he attacked Cyrus this was a completely different person, I put my hands up slowly and started walking towards him. "Odion put the ax down...... it's going to be coo." I said quietly.

"I had to kill the dragon......" He said not sounding like himself at all. I slowly grabbed the ax and for a split second I thought he wasn't going to let it go but he finally let me take it from him. "When did you get here Dari?" Odion asked and I realized my brother was back. "Damn t happened again didn't it?" He asked.

"Yeah you were talking about killing dragons and shyt." I said looking in his eyes, which started to tear up.

"Bro what's wrong with me?" Odion said breaking down which caught me off guard because Odion NEVER cried. "Dari I need help bro......" Odion said as I pulled him into my arms and hugged him.

"It's coo Odion, I'm not going anywhere I never will." I said as he cried. I knew I couldn't keep this secret for too much longer, I was worried about my brother and with everything that was going on it was only a matter of time before he had a complete mental breakdown..............................

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