"This smells amazing Molly," Remus said, taking his seat across from Harry and next to Sirius.

"Yeah mum, this looks great," Ron added as he sat next to Harry. Isabel took the seat on the other side of Harry and Hermione sat next to her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Isabel asked quietly to Harry.

"Yeah I'm sure, don't worry," Harry said looking at her directly. Isabel smiled.

Then conversation started among the bunch again, the food magically floating from person to person.

"Can I ask you a question?" Isabel asked Harry.

"Anything," Harry responded, turning his attention to her.

"Why did your scar hurt?" She asked, her eyes full of concern. She knew that Harry Potter was the boy who lived, but she barely knew anything. Her family didn't discuss things related to dark magic.

"You know who Voldemort is, right?" Harry asked she nodded, "Well when I was just a baby, my mom and dad were killed by Voldemort,"

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked," Isabel said frantically, she didn't mean to bring up his parent's death.

"No, don't worry, it's okay," He continued, "Voldemort then tried to kill me, but the spell somehow didn't work and Voldemort was thought to have died and I was left with this scar."

Isabel looked closely at the scar, she was very intrigued by Harry somehow surviving Voldemort's attack.

"And every now and then my scar will hurt, nothing to worry about I'm sure." Harry finished.

"Thanks for telling me," Isabel said and turned back to her dinner.

"No problem," Harry said. Hermione smiled at them, she was glad Isabel was making more friends. It seemed like she would fit in perfectly with their friend group.


"Harry, I found something that might interest you," Sirius said walking into the boy's bedroom where Ron and Harry were staying.

"What is it?" Harry asked, standing up from the bed.

"It's a picture of the original Order of the Phoenix," Sirius states handing the picture to Harry.

He then points people out to Harry, "There are mad-eye and Dumbledore, you know them, oh there's Alice and Frank Longbottom, you know their son, Neville, great family. There's your friend Hagrid. Ah, and there's Lupin and me, of course. Oh, there they are..."

"My parents," Harry said, looking at the picture. His parents were smiling up at him. He looked at the picture for a long time.

"I miss them," Harry said quietly.

"I know, I miss them too," Sirius said, "You know, it's not fair I got to spend so much time with you and they didn't."

Harry closes his eyes and thinks.

"Why'd they have to die, Sirius," Harry said.

"I don't know, Harry, I wish I did, but I don't," Sirius said.

There was a long pause.

"I know I'm not your father, but I will always be there for you if I can help it..." Sirius said.

"Thanks, Sirius," Harry said and they hug. Harry was so happy to at least have Sirius. He was the last bit of family he had left.

Moments later, they heard muttering and footsteps down the hall.

"And that filthy blood traitor boy with the scar. He cries. Why does he cry? This place is crawling with mud-bloods and traitors..." Kreacher complains.

"That's not very nice. These are all great people, Kreacher, they should be treated kindly." Harry heard the voice of Isabel say.

"Yes, yes, yes." Kreacher mumbles.

Then Kreacher walks in the room, holding Isabel by the wrist.

"Kreacher! What are you doing to that poor girl?" Sirius said angrily to Kreacher.

"She is the only one kind to Kreacher. She does not yell at Kreacher. Kreacher will keep her." Kreacher says, tightening his grip on Isabel's wrist.

"Kreacher, no." Sirius said, "Kreacher, leave."

Kreacher reluctantly left mumbling to himself.

"Sorry about him, Isabel." Sirius apologized.

"Oh don't worry, I don't mind him, but he does say some awful things," Isabel said.

There was a bit of an awkward silence, Isabel and Harry exchanged smiles and Sirius winked at Harry.

"Harry, you ready for bed mate? We have to get up early tomorrow to catch the train." Ron said coming into the room, followed by Hermione.

"Since when have you taken responsibility?" Harry asked.

"His mum wouldn't let him have dessert unless he went to bed early," Hermione informed him.

Isabel laughed.

"That makes more sense, sure I could use some sleep," Harry said.

"Isabel, let's go to bed too, goodnight guys," Hermione said. Isabel smiled and waved as they left the room. Harry watched her as she left.

"Goodnight Harry, Ron," Sirius said, leaving the room.

"Goodnight Sirius," Harry said.


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