The Morning After

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A/N: Thanks for those who’ve reviewed and send me messages! Truly means a lot! I’m flying through this story now that I have some time to write. Sadly we’re almost done. I want to say 5-7 more chapters’ tops but we’ll see. Please leave reviews, gives me so much motivation when I read your feedback.

I’m not sure what I’ll write after this story, haven’t thought of anything else really. The only thing I’ve somewhat considered is doing an alternate universe to Coping where Hailey lived. Idk, let me know.

Chapter 19: The morning after

Shawn awoke to his cell phone singing its merry little tune into the blackness of his bedroom. He fumbled for it irritably, checking the light up display to discover it was almost five in the morning and that an unknown number was calling him.

He jabbed at the button to accept the call and rolled onto his back with the phone pressed to his ear.

"Hello?" he rasped, his voice still hoarse and heavy with sleep.

"Shawn?" Came her voice, trembling enough for him to notice even over the phone.

"Mrs. Reed?" he said with concern, his exhaustion immediately melting away.

"Is she there?" she said, her voice wavering unsteadily as if she were on the verge of tears. "Please tell me my daughter is there because she never made it home last night?”

He propped himself on his elbow and turned to his lover sleeping soundly beside him. “Yeah,” He said, fumbling the phone to his ear as he scrubbed a hand over his face. “Yeah, she’s here. She’s fine, she’s sleeping right now.”

Evelyn let out a soft sigh of relief, glad her daughter was at least somewhere safe and not lying in a ditch somewhere. “Would you please let her know that I called?” She said.

“I’ll let her know,” Shawn replied.

“Thank you, Shawn.” She said.

After finishing their conversation, Shawn shut the phone with a snap and placed it back down on the nightstand before turning back around and wrapping his arms tightly around his sleeping lover.


Cassidy’s ascent to full consciousness was gentle and leisurely, her mind lingering in the realms of her dreams as if hesitant to return to reality. Before even opening her eyes she was aware of the wonderfully relaxed state of her body, her muscles free of tension in a way they hadn't been for some time.

 Next she registered the sensation of warmth enveloping her, the majority of the heat pressed to her back, and she slowly realized that another body was molded against her own, an arm thrown over her shoulder and a leg over her thigh, tangling her up with whoever was behind her. Her thoughts were unusually muddled and fuzzy, but when she shifted slightly, a dull pain between her legs brought everything back into sharp focus and the memories of last night flooded her mind.

She had made love to Shawn right here in this bed and it had been by far one of the most erotic, euphoric, amazing things she had ever experienced as he took her to the heights of pleasure. She was a virgin no longer because of his actions…because of her request.

She cracked her eyes open at last, finding Shawn had left the light on, and with the curtains shut the dim bulb was the only source of light in the room. The clock on the nightstand told her it was a little after seven in the morning but she somehow felt wide awake.

She heard Shawn mutter in his sleep behind her, his hand shifting to rest low on her abdomen, his breath blew softly on the back on her neck in a steady rhythm, betraying that he was still deep asleep.

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