How is it to be loved?

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Judy POV

The car was old and every time Weston pushed it a bit too hard, the engine reminded us its state. "Slow down, there is no need to rush" I said but he didn't answer. I couldn't see his eyes but it wasn't because of the height difference, he had his look fixed on the road, his breath was steady yet faster than normal and his ears were twitching every now and then from an uneasy thought. "Weston, relax. I wasn't planning on making you that upset" I said, trying to apologize. "It it's not you..... I'm just think about something" He said.

"Weston, I'm married to a fox. You guys can't lie to me" I said with a forced smile, I tried my best to make him feel more at ease. "Promise not to tell Nick?" He asked and sighed. He had lowered his head, allowing me to see his eyes. Those blue eyes he had were filled with confusion and sadness, but I could see something more than that in them, a small glimmer of hope laid in his eyes. "I promise, you can tell me" I replied and turned towards him. The seat was bigger than me so there was no problem for me to sit like that.

"I know Nick the least but I think he's done too many sacrifices for everyone don't you think?" He asked, it sounded as a rhetorical question to my ears so I didn't reply. I let him finished his monologue. "When we first found you he had already lost a leg and now..... now that I know the full length of his sacrifices I just can't help but think if we actually deserved all that" He said and stopped as the red light lit up. Snow was now falling fast, covering the car's hood in the blink of an eye with a white velvet of soft ice.

"And now he's going to kill himself? I just can't agree with that, he can't just die" He said, finishing and as he did he placed his head on the steering wheel with a long sigh. "I know the feeling, I don't want him to die either but what can we do? There is nothing that can stop that stubborn fox" I said. Nick was truly determined to pull this off and get us out of the ZPD, I had tried countless times to stop him from even thinking about these plans but he wouldn't listen.

"I think that for once..... we shouldn't listen to what he tells us" He replied, nothing had changed in his voice. That fake determination was nothing more than a way to lie to himself. "And what can we do? Hold him down? He'll jump back up. Drag him back? He'll rush forth..... I think he became like this so that we couldn't stop him when this time came" I said. I've had my doubts about his motives even after I had agreed with it and way more afterwards. Questions would always pop in my head but my mouth wouldn't dare place them in words and tell them to Nick.

"I don't care, I'll try anyway" He said and the traffic light went green, allowing us to start moving again. The warehouse where we were supposed to go wasn't far from there, only two minutes were left before we had reached our destination. "Then we'll try together" I said as he turned around a dark corner to reveal the warehouse. It wasn't anything too big or fancy but it had served Nick well during those three years. He normally wouldn't allow me to get in or see what was happening so this would be my first time.

We got out of the car and Weston turned off the engine to follow me outside. The moment my foot stepped out of the door I sank into the snow which had piled up already. We were far from Tundra town but the ZPD now looked much like that. "Let's go, I'm freezing" He said and walked past me, towards the garage gate which lead into the warehouse. "There's someone inside" He noticed when we had gotten close enough. "I think it's Nick's men....... yeah I know he's been gathering animals who wanted to leave as well" I said and pressed a rusty old button on the right side of the gate.

Half a second later it started raising itself through a mechanism, slowly revealing the interior of the warehouse. A couple of old cars stood inside with crates scattered all around the place, only seven animals were inside at the moment and they all looked surprised to see me."Uhm why is she here?" A wolf asked, pointing his finger at me. He was bent over the engine of a car, messing around with it. He had a wrench in his left paw and a towel on his shoulder. His fur was black but he had a blue stripe down his neck. "Nick told me to come" I replied and walked in as the garage door closed behind us.

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