Challenge Accepted

317 23 12

Nick POV

"Wake up you sleepy fox!" I heard a voice over my head and I slowly opened my eyes, god I had slept a like a rock. "A couple of minutes..." I muttered sleepily and turned to the voice. "Now!" The voice demanded and I opened my eyes in terror. That wasn't Judy's voice, that sounded like a savage that was trying to talk.

I was sitting in the corner of the room we had used as a temporary shelter, but nobody was there. There was no sign of Judy or Roe... what was happening? "Thought I was gone?" The voiced hissed from behind me and I turned to face it but there was nobody in the room with me, who was talking then? "You are alone Nick, there is no need to hide it.... Just let them know what you really ARE!!!!" The voice screamed, forcing me to fall on my knees.

No! Why was it still here? I though you had gone away! "Away? No... I will never leave you N-Nick.." The voice started to break up as if someone was talking to me through a radio with bad signal. "You will end up LIKE him... HIM!!" The voice screamed again, this time it was like it was in pain. Get out of my head!! Leave me alone!

"Accept your nature N-Nick... this is who you are!" It said again with a bloodthirsty voice, that bastard was trying to lure me in. NO! I had to stay as I was... for Judy. I had to fight back, at least until Judy was safe. "You can not f-f-fight me anymore... just a-a-accept me" It said. I felt two paws grab me, circling me and in the end become like chains around me. I will never stop fighting it! This is not who I am! "The sinner does not know his sin.... until it catches up with him" It replied, it still had it's paws wrapped around me.

Fuck you asshole! Judy counts on me and I will not give up! "Come on, it won't be that bad" It said. The voice was calmer now, normal. You want me to kill her when you come... this will not happen, I WON'T LET YOU! "Don't get upset... you know this will happen after all" It continued, it was trying to make me lose control. No... I had to remain in control! If not for myself then for Judy, for her I would do anything. "How can you... love... or whatever you call this... a rabbit?" The voice asked. The word 'love' was pronounced with utter disgust.

Because she gives me hope, she is the only thing that makes me fight you back! "Is that so?" It asked. THAT'S RIGHT YOU MOTHERFUCKER! "Then I'll make you hurt her, I'll make you kill her so violently THAT YOU WILL BE BEGGING ME TO STOP!!!" It screamed once more with hatred raging inside it. The arms tightened around me, almost making my bones crack. I will never... hurt her! "We will see about that" The voice said, it was calm again.  Try me you son of a bitch, lemme show you what love can do!

"How about a challenge?" It asked, the game..... What challenge? "You have little time left... try to stop me, I will be fighting back though" It suggested, was... Challenge accepted you mother fucker, Bring it on! "Very well, let the games begin!". On....

A/N I know this chapter was small but I wanted to make a point. Consider this the game changing part of the story.

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