Got your back

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Judy POV

Me and Weston walked out of the building, both of us silent but for different reasons. "I know what is looks like but it's not like this" I managed to say a couple of seconds later, not sure about what I wanted to tell him. "I don't care what it looks like nor why he did it" Weston replied angrily, his fists clenched and his ears raised high. "You don't understand" I said back, this was more than something he had to do.

"And I don't fucking want to! How would you react when someone who you were supposed to trust, turned into the thing that killed my wife!" He shouted furiously. I could see it in his eyes that he was more confused than angry. "I don't know Weston.... this is hard for me as well, he is my husband" I said, looking down at my feet since I couldn't bare to look at him in the eyes. "How can you trust him?" Weston asked and stopped walking, we were halfway to the car and clouds had already started forming on the sky.

"I made him a promise, we both did" I replied, this was our secret. Me and Nick's little secret a two days before we reached the ZPD, before we entered this hell. "I need to know" He insisted, not it was my time to go silent. "Alright, if you insist then I will tell you" I said, determined to change his mind about Nick's decision. My fox had his reasons for what he did and those reasons were enough to make Weston believe him.

Flashback 3 years ago.... two days to ZPD

General POV

They kept walking, all of them silent as they thought. Nick could feel something in his heart, as if something was missing..... or taken from him. "Are you Nick?" Judy asked, back when they were still free she tended to be shy around him. "Yeah I guess" He mumbled, not exactly intending to answer that question. "You look sad, is it about Jasmine?" Judy continued, she knew when there was something going on and this was one of these moments. "No, it's about Weston.... and you" He said, surprising her.

Weston's name hadn't been mentioned at all since he went to search for the Hunter who killed his wife Marie, what could have possibly made him talk about him now? "What about him... and me?" Judy inquired in confusion as she hopped over a small piece of ruble. "This was supposed to be our rendezvous point, he isn't here" Nick said and looked around with a sad look in his eyes.

"I... I don't know Nick, he might have come here earlier and left" She said, trying to raise his spirits. "We both know that's not the likeliest thing to have happened" He said sorrowfully. "So many have died because of me Judy" He continued his self-hating monologue. "Nick it isn't your fault!" She fought back. It had begun to be obvious to both her and Roebuck that he was getting depressed by their condition. Four had died during this journey... which he was leading.

"Hey Roe! We'll stop here" Judy shouted, scaring the sheep who was thinking without really paying attention at them. "Okay, don't take all day" He replied in annoyance and found a rock to sit on to rest his feet. "You come here" She said and dragged Nick into the first car she could find. She pushed him in and the curled on his chest after closing the door behind her. "What are you doing?" He asked awkwardly.

"We... will take a little nap together and you will tell me what's really wrong" She said and purred, making him melt from cuteness. "If only I could stay mad at you" He said softly and wrapped his paws around her waist. She hugged him back and closed her eyes. "Now talk to me" She said kindly. "I am afraid" He said bluntly, but Judy could hear his heart beating fast. "Of what?". Nick could feel it, the fear in his heart was growing great as they got closer to the ZPD. "What if Weston hasn't made it? What if we don't make it?!" He exclaimed.

"All of us will make it Nick, don't think like that" She said worryingly. "I need to ask you something Judy" He said, this was the time. It was uncertain if they would make it and he couldn't allow himself to die before saying this to her. "I am listening" She replied. "I know this is not the best time and I don't have anything to offer you but myself....... how would you like the idea of marrying me?" he asked and suddenly silence fell in the car.

Judy slowly opened her eyes and looked outside, it had started to snow lightly. "Nothing would make me happier" She answered and gave him a light kiss. "Now there is something else..." he continued, the real challenge had just begun. "Do you remember the Hunter?" He asked and breathed out, he could do it. "What about her?" She asked confused. "Roe found something.... she isn't Animal but she isn't Savage either" He explained.

Snow kept falling, covering the roof of the car. "Really? I didn't think that is possible" She said in amazement. "Yeah me neither, the thing is that Jasmine was a failed version of the Hunter" he continued. "That makes sense...." She mumbled. "That wasn't what I wanted to tell you" Nick said, surprising her again. "Roe found a way to make me like the Hunter and I agreed" He said and Judy hopped on her feet furiously. "WHAT?!" She shouted in his face.

"Judy I know the dangers but I have to do this" He insisted, there was no way he would back off this time. "But why? What could possibly make you do this to yourself?" She asked furiously, he anger begun to be replaced by fear for him. "The fact that she isn't dead" He replied bluntly, cutting off Judy. "S-she's alive? But you killed her" Judy said.

"It needs more than 50.000 volts to kill one of them and that is why I have to do this. I will be able to protect you" He explained but she didn't seem to share his ideas. "Nick you have no idea what this will do to you!" She screamed and stood on his chest. "I don't but is there any other option? Where do you think The hunter came from? What other place is possible than the ZPD" He said in his final attempt to convince her.

"That doesn't make sense. The ZPD in a sanctuary" Judy said utterly baffled. "I don't know exactly Judy but that is certain.... I can't let you go in there without knowing that I can protect you" He said and hugged her, bringing her close to his heart where she belongs. "Nick.... I can't convince you other wise can I?".

"No you can't now be a good bunny and come here" He said playfully. "Not before you tell me the full reason, I know there is more" She teased him and covered his eyes. "Okay it's because of Weston" He gave up. Judy hadn't agreed and she would fight him for that until the end but she couldn't do anything more than that. "He lost his wife from what I chose to become...... I know he will hate me about this but I have to keep a promise I made to Marie" He said and sighed, hoping that she would one day tell that to Weston.

"She made me promise that I would keep him alive if she died, no matter what. I can't break a promise Judy" He explained.

"He is too kind for his own good" Judy said and looked at Weston, clouds had become dense on the sky and snow had begun to fall once again. "He promised to her, you, me.... he can't keep all those promises" Weston said, not sure what to believe. He was confused. "This is why he did it, so that he will be able to keep them" She explained. "Nick has never been the person who would give up on his friends and you know this despite the little time you know him" She continued to defend her husband"

"I don't know what to believe" He said. "He has been going out to search for you and sometimes he wouldn't return for whole weeks of search" She told him, Nick is a real friend and even Weston didn't want to follow his plan he would at least have to understand Nick's motives for doing what he had done. "He... he searched for me?" Weston asked in confusion.

"Yes and he even left when our third kit was born... which made me mad but besides that you get the point" She said and they both chuckled. "Yeah I do.... he is complicated" Weston said. Judy nodded silently in agreement. "You tell me, I married the guy.......Now let's go, we have work to do" she said and got in the passenger's seat of the car. Weston sat on the driver's seat and turned on the engine.

"I got your back... don't I?" he mumbled to himself as they headed towards the safehouse.

A/N Sorry for the small chapter, yet again a flashback.

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