A Deal Made

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A/N Thank you everyone for supporting my stories!!

Judy POV

"Haven't you had enough?!" I shouted at Roebuck who was sitting on his big armchair, laughing at Nick's pain. The poor fox had been through seven continuous fights and his leg had probably been infected already, it was obvious that he was barely standing on his feet. "Nope!" He said and laughed again, Nick was right... he was a freaking sadist. "You two had a deal!" Jasmine said and dashed forward but the chains she had forced her back.

"I remember perfectly and it said if he won... I never said how many" Roebuck said without even bothering to turn around and look at us, he must really like the power he had... the power over others.

Nick finished off the last savage and looked towards us, his eyes couldn't focus on anything and his legs were shaking from the beating he had taken. He had no strength to lift up his arms and his breathing was rapid. "Don't you think that's enough!!" Nick shouted with the little strength he had left. "No... no I don't" Roebuck replied and opened another gate, sending another savage at Nick. They immediately started circling each other like they had done the last time. He wouldn't live through this one if we didn't do anything.

We were chained up right behind Roebuck so that he could monitor us in case we got away. My paws were tied behind a rusty metal pipe on the mossy wall... gross. Roebuck and the crowd were separated from a glass window, that must have made him feel powerful.

"Psst!" Finnick whispered at me and I turned to him, he had freed himself from the chains... the famous crafty fox in action. He approached me slowly and helped me unlock my cuffs without alarming Roebuck of course who was alone in the room but he was armed and dangerous, there was no option of fighting him. "You really though that I couldn't hear you?" Roebuck asked rhetorically and turned around, god dammit he was playing us! The look on his eye was terrifying, he wasn't mad... he was please by that, he wanted us to escape so that he could kill us exactly as he was doing with Nick!

He raised his gun to shoot Finnick, I didn't have any other choice but to try and stop him. Since I was the closest to him I jumped on him, pushing him with the chair back and dropping him out of the window. He screamed as he fell down and for a second everyone was silent, even the savage was looking at him. "Nice... even I didn't see that coming!" Finnick said, breaking the silence. Him and Jasmine walked to my side and looked down at the dead sheep. He was lying in a pool of his own blood, inside the arena where Nick was.

The sheep's fall had caused the fence around the arena to break, leaving a way out for Nick. "Run! We'll meet up later!" I shouted at him and grabbed the other two, we needed to get out of here before Roebuck's lackeys came and literally kicked our asses off the same window. "Nick will have to manage on his own for now" Finnick agreed with me and followed me, there was no time to stall.

"Are you sure he's gonna make it?! Didn't you see how injured he was?" Jasmine asked. I felt the same way, I wanted to turn around and go find him but there was no other way to get to him... we needed to run and so did he, there was no faster route we could follow. "He is going to make it... he has survived worse" I said, mostly telling that to myself, trying to believe my own words.

This time I had a better chance to take a look at the walls while we were running, they were covered with protective materials... this must have been a factory or something similar to that. We ran through the same corridors we had walked before until we found a set of stairs leading downstairs. "I guess that's the way" Finnick said and we moved on, yet again we were walking blindfolded and with no freaking idea where to go. I was jumping the stair two at a time, trying to gain time. Finnick was sliding down the side of the stairs and honestly I had no idea how he did that.

Savagetopia (JudyxNick)Where stories live. Discover now