What A Man Wants

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Judy POV

The streets below us were filled with savages that were out to hunt. Growls and roars could be heard from all around the city and it was far from being a pleasant sound. This wasn't happening in the other parts of Zootopia so why did it here? "Is there any chance they come up here?" Nick asked worryingly while occasionally take a peek down to check for any savages. "I dunno. They have been acting way differently than those we've met so far" Roebuck said and shrugged his shoulders.

The highway wasn't as long as I though it was and after a couple of minutes of fast walking we had almost made it to the stadium. The part of the highway's bridge we were on was significantly lower then the rest of it and it almost reached the ground level, making it too dangerous for us to walk past it. Roe insisted on doing so by saying that we didn't have any other choice in the matter but I could already see some ways around the stadium. Nick trusted him but I didn't and something told me that he was trying to set us up.

"I know what you're thinking, don't" Nick whispered to me so that Roebuck wouldn't hear us, how could he know what I was thinking to myself? "How can't I? It's just too suspicious" I mumbled annoyed by the fact that he was so ignorant. "Just trust me ok? He has done some serious things in the past but he's fine" Nick reassured me, but no! I was having none of that anymore, I needed to know the truth and the moment I could find Roebuck alone I was going to ask him a couple of questions myself.

"Guys I think we should camp somewhere before going ahead. We'll need that extra energy, plus... we will give time to Weston to catch up" I suggested, hoping that they would agree on my plan. This would be the perfect way to corner Roebuck. "She has a point... any ideas where to camp though?" Nick said and looked around for any closed spaces, we were in a too open space right now and that was dangerous. We hadn't attracted any savages yet but if we stayed here for much longer then I doubt the this would be for much longer. "Found one" Roebuck said and pried open a sewer hatch.

"You gotta be kidding me..." I said with disgust, this guy was trying to kill us after all. "Any other ideas?" He asked sarcastically and jumped down, got dammit I hated when they did that. Nick shrugged his shoulders and jumped down, how could they just enter a sewer so easily? It was my turn to dive in, oh I was gonna kill Nick after all this was done. I covered my nose with my left paw and took a step into the hole.

A splashing sound was heard when my feet touched the cold, wet cement of the sewer floor. "That was close" Nick said and showed me the shallow but way too disgusting river of sewage water that was flowing through the middle of the tunnel. "How come it's working?" I asked confused. "It means that someone's using it" Roebuck explained with a smile on his face. "The Downtown is still alive then... good to know" Nick said happily. Having a destination was a pleasant thought and the fact that now we knew it was still there gave courage to all three of us.

"Here. This outta do the trick for now" Roebuck said and kicked open a maintenance door that was right next to the whole we had entered through. Nick allowed me to enter before him and he closed the door after he had come inside. The room was rather small with a closet on the left wall and a powerbox next to it. "Check this out" Nick said when he opened the closet, it was a satchel. "What's in it?" I asked and he opened it to reveal the content of it. "Grenades.... what the hell?" Nick wondered and took out one of the grenades to inspect it.

"I guess these belong to our friend out there" Roebuck said without even troubling to take a look at them. He didn't have to though, we all knew what Nick meant when he said 'Grenades'. "Keep 'em, you never know" Nick said and gave one to each of us while he kept the rest of them with the satchel. He then sat on the floor and put his back on the wall. "I'll take the first watch, sleep" Roebuck said and stood up, heading for the closed door.

Savagetopia (JudyxNick)Where stories live. Discover now