Part IV: See what I've become

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A/N Play the Music whenever you want, It's just to add to the atmosphere.

General POV

Weston exited his hospital room hesitantly and looked at both sides of the hallway before moving on. If these two were still here then the best thing he could do was stay away from them and avoid any contact, the only animals he could trust were Judy and Nick. "Can I help you?" A female voice was heard and Weston looked down to see where it had come from.

It was a little otter, probably a nurse. She had that same fake smile on her, it was creeping him out. "Uhm yeah can you show me to the cafeteria?" He asked and the otter nodded without saying anything. She walked past him and he followed her down the stairs, "Who brought me here?" Weston asked abruptly, catching the nurse by surprise.

"Two of the ZPD agents, don't worry you're in good paws" She said. Her tone was most likely to have been reassuring if he didn't know that this was fake. "Yeah.... I guess I am" He replied as the otter opened the door ahead of them. The whole hospital was clean as it should be, nothing was out of place and pretty much ever animals was.... oddly relaxed. Nobody would act like this in the middle of an apocalypse.

"Eat whatever you like, then you're free to leave. I think you have been given a house.... I'll check it now" She said and turned around to leave, "oh and Mr. Weston!.... the chicken isn't that good here" She told him before closing the door of the cafeteria. That was exactly what Nick had told him...

"Don't listen to her! Chicken is great" Another nurse, a lynx, said as she walked by me. What the fuck is with these guys and the chicken. Weston thought annoyed and picked up a tray. Just as these guys had told him, he didn't eat chicken...... this was meat though. "Excuse me, what is this?" He asked the lunch lady.

"Meat, what else" She said. He was annoyed by that, that constant smile filled with fucking stupidity. We're in the middle of a FUCKING APOCALYPSE. He screamed in his head and walked away with a smile.

He sat down and ate in a haste, this place was creeping him out... most of the animals had an awfully happy expression on their faces and those who didn't were faking it. "Cafeteria is closing in ten minutes" A voice was heard from the speakers. This helps a lot. He thought and stood up, the cleaning lady will take care of these.

He opened the door and left the hospital to find himself at the parking lot. To his surprise there were five cars there and all of the looked as if they worked. "Hey Weston" A mild voice came from a small red convertible. It was Nick.

"Hop in" Judy said and opened the back door for him. Nick sat on the driver's seat with Judy next to him, they were holding paws. The sheep named Roebuck sat on the back seat.

"So what the fuck is going on?" Weston asked, nobody answered as Nick drove off. Judy was starring at him with doubt, she was afraid. Who wouldn't be? All of them had dark circles beneath them eyes.... it was obvious they were exhausted. Sleep deprivation.

"The ZPD aren't what we thought they were..... they started this" Nick said, his voice was dark. "We're searching into it.... things become worse, take a look at this" Judy continued and handed over a file. Weston opened it and read it. "What? You mean these guys are.... with the ZPD?!" He exclaimed when he saw it. They were black agents.

"Wait.... Marian Wilde? Your name is Wilde ain't it?" I asked and gave the file back. "Yeah, was my mother" Nick answered. "And the other one is an old friend" Judy filled in. "They've been brainwashed...." Roebuck explained.

"Okay.... I bet you know why the look like savages" Weston said, the sheep nodded as the car took a left turn on a small alley. "An improved night howler serum, it lets you keep your sanity and gives you the strength and speed you saw, but...... takes away your memories and the ability to eat" Roebuck explained.

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