Not The Whole Pack

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A/N So here's the thing... I was watching Game Of Thrones a couple of hours ago and an idea popped up on my mind! Why not do what the director did at the series? Whoever has watched it will understand... nothing lasts forever!!

"Are you sure this part is empty?" Judy asked terrified. She was justified. The last time we had passed under the tunnel of the wall I almost ended up dead and the whole city went to hell. "I am sure. Savages will have already abandoned this place" I reassured her while of course holding my gun high. We were currently passing through the second wall which was in other words the third part of our journey to Downtown. This one was different though... more creepy. There were vines on the walls and grass had grown from the cracks of the street.

"At least we can see the end of it, keep walking" Finnick said and moved forward, in front of me. Everyone was being overprotective since I hurt my leg. He was right though, the end of the tunnel was visible. "Any chance of them coming from the maintenance tunnels or doors?" Jasmine asked and Roebuck nodded negatively, that was a positive. If we could just pass through this one that would be great!

The tunnel was dark so we had created a circle around Judy and Roebuck so that we could guide them. The torn up asphalt had cracks in the size of my paw and someone could easily get stuck inside one of those. "I hear some vague noises from behind us" Judy said and looked back but she couldn't see a thing. She had opened her eyes widely, trying to see whatever she could. "It's the dam getting loaded. That means we gotta hurry" Roebuck said and sped up. "I'll try" I said and forced my leg to move faster but I was reaching my limit.

"I don't know guys. This is creeping me out" Judy said and clang on to my arm with both of her paws. "Don't worry, it's nothing" I said and kept moving, I wanted to reassure her but we didn't have time for anything sentimental right now. If we didn't find a ship we were screwed. "There's nothing in front of us, we're clear" Jasmine said, trying to help Judy. All three of us foxes were constantly scanning the area for movement but the only thing that could actually move were the vines and that was from the air.

"We're almost there. You'll probably be starting to have some light" I said and looked at Judy who had hey eyes half closed, she had gotten used to the dark. "I need a moment to readjust, gimme a sec" Roebuck said and starting blinking rapidly. We were indeed close to exiting the wall and thankfully we had done that in record time, according to Roebuck we still had four hours until the flood was overloaded. "What will happen when the dam breaks? How will we get the water out?" Judy asked.

"We won't have to do anything. The water will slide down towards the ocean or the rivers and in about six hours from the flood everything will be... semi fine" Roebuck explained and rubbed his eye. In front of us stood the Rainforest district: Layer upon Layer of jungles and rivers that created a labyrinth to the untrained one. "How the fuck are we supposed to find our way in this shit?" I asked from the behalf of the whole team.

"Uhm what if I told you I know how?" Finnick said with a guilty tone... I was absolutely not gonna like his explanation. "And how is that? I thought you hadn't been in Rainforest ever" I said and raised my eyebrow. He scratched his neck and looked around, avoiding my eyes. "Well that's where I kinda... got that... bomb you... blew up earlier..." He said looked away. "FINNICK!!!!!" Judy screamed and stomped her foot on the ground. Oh boy he was up for a serious beat down.

"WHY WOULD YOU BUY A FUCKING BOMB TO A LITTLE KIT?!" Judy screamed again as I was dragging her away from Finnick. Not because I didn't want her to hurt him but because we had to get moving as fast as possible. "Well... I... DON'T JUDGE ME!" He replied and turned his back to Judy, pretending to be leading the way... well he actually did but you know what I meant. "Oh I ain't done with you Finnick!" She said ran up to him to continue shouting her ass of.

"Is she always like that?" Roebuck whispered to me. "Only whenever I get hurt" I replied calmly and he nodded, "I see... and how often does that happen?" He asked with interest while we were watching Judy hitting Finnick in the back. "Uhm... every third day" I said in response. "I see you got a schedule on it" He said sarcastically. "it's called bad luck for your information" I said and we stopped whispering because Judy was now looking at us.

"And you! Why did you take that bomb?" She asked furiously and walked up to me. "First of all I was only six so I didn't even know what a bomb was..... second you can't be mad at me" I said and she raised her finger to deny it but she couldn't, dumb bunny. "You're right I guess" She said and went silent, probably thinking. I knew what she was thinking of but I didn't speak, not with the others around.

What she had told me back at the bar was for us. I had told her that I love her and that I wanted us to be together and she said that she wanted. Now, the most possible reason for her being like that was that she was thinking about it... or she was still mad for Finnick buying that stupid bomb. "Get in the gondola. This should end up a couple of blocks away from the port... hopefully" Finnick said and opened the door of the gondola. "It only fits two at a time so we'll have to take separate ones" He explained and opened the door of a second one.

"Roe are you ok with going alone?" I asked and he nodded, as I said the guys still needed time to adjust to him being here... or at least calm down with him trying to kill me, not sure which one. I got on the first one with Judy. "Nick now that we are alone can we talk about.... us?" She asked and looked at me. The sun had just risen and we were facing it. "Yeah I guess we've been holding it back long enough" I said and nodded. "It was clear enough what your answer was... what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Well what are we going to do? I don't know if the others will be ok with it or if other animals we will meet at the ZPD will accept it" She said, basically freaking out. She was close to crying. "In a post-apocalyptic world where everyone has seen every last bit of bullshit that someone might come across...... you really thing they will go ahead and waste time with a fox loving a bunny?" I asked rhetorically, my point was that nobody will care what we do.

"I guess you're right... so how do you think we should begin our relationship?" She asked. "Well I have my suspicions about what that feeling was back at the mall but I want to make sure..." I said and looked at her. "What do y....?" She tried to say but it was too late... I had already kissed her. She closed her eyes and kissed me back. "Yeah... that was the feeling alright" I said joyfully and she laughed. That was probably the first time I was happy for a long time now.

"I guess that's a nice start" She said and chuckled. "Dumb bunny..." I said and pet her head. "So who do you think is gonna react?" She asked and I gave it a thought for a moment. "Jasmine most certainly... she has had a crush on me for years" I said and she looked at me amazed, "I was wondering if you knew" She said. I was so certain that Jasmine had warned her to stay away from me but I decided to not mention that possibility.

"How about Finnick?" She continued, "He's gonna be fine and besides that... I don't think it would be wise to go against you after that screaming you did back there" I said and without being able to hold myself I laughed. "Well he deserved it!" She said annoyed. "Well that outrage made your liking to me too obvious to Roe" I said. "Well I would surprised if he hadn't stayed out of our way" She said, now being angry.

"Judy I promised him that I wouldn't say what happened between us back in that place but all I can tell you is that he is fine... if you love me then you'll make an effort to be polite" I said and she frowned, It was obvious she didn't like that proposal. "Just because you said it" She accepted my request and hugged me. "Can we use the remaining time we have on us?" She asked and I smiled.

"Well we could keep up the previous... act" I said and smirked, she smiled back and jumped on me. "Besides... we still have an hour until the gondola gets us there" I said and kissed her deeply. Oh boy we were going to have fun today!! "But don't get too Wild... I ain't sure about giving you the full pack yet" She said. "Ain't got no problem ma'am!" I said filled with excitement and kissed her again. Who gave a fuck for the whole pack? I haven't done anything for six years now... this was enough!!

A/N I know this was a short chapter but I realized that I hadn't uploaded for the last five days so... I kinda wanted not to keep you waiting!

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