Walls Of Life

681 38 26

A/N Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been a little off.

Judy POV

"Put him on the kitchen counter!" Finnick told me and kicked off the appliances off the table. Jasmine locked the door behind me and barricaded the windows, I was holding Nick on my back and put him where Finnick wanted him. "Can you help him?" Jasmine asked, expressing both her and my worries for his life. I was lucky no one had seen what I had done right before Nick passed out.

"I'm no doctor! I'll see" He said and ripped off Nick's shirt, revealing the result of our jump. The skin and fur of his chest was covered in blood. Finnick placed his paw and the broken ribs were heard loudly, it was bad. "That's bad..." the little fox said and started working on his wound immediately with all the knowledge he had.

"How can I help?" I asked but Finnick didn't anser, it was obvious he didn't need my help. "You have helped enough already" Jasmine said and threw some bandages to Finnick. "What do you mean?" I asked, she looked at me with hatred unimaginable. "It is your fault he is dying! You are the reason we are out here, risking our lives for no reason at all!" She shouted and kicked a chair. I backed off, her teeth were shining under the afternoon light.

"Shut up Jasmine! She has nothing to do with it... he jumped" Finnick cut her off annoyed by her burst of anger. I was terrified not by her teeth but by the idea that she might be right... what if I was indeed the cause of Nick's suffering.

Jasmine left the room frustrated, boiling from her anger. I didn't blame her but at the moment I was completely unable to sympathize with her, my sorrow for Nick was too much to bare.

I fell on my knees and started crying. I knew that I had just met him but I cared so much about him, he risked his life for me! He jumped off a roof to protect me while the only thing I have done is put him in the situation he was trying to get me out of. I couldn't stop the tears.

"I would say something nice but I am doing surgery right now... so yea... keep on it" Finnick said awkwardly, I forgot he was standing there. I controlled my breath and wiped away my tears. "How is he?" I asked with a trembling voice, why did I speak, I am so fragile....

"I can't say much... I managed to reconnect the bones but the wound is too big, the rest is up to him" He said and jumped down. Nick was wrapped in bandages and covered in blood, why did it have to end like this. "Hey... don't worry, he's a tough son of a bitch. He'll make it" Finnick said while wiping the blood of his paws. I thanked him for his words and sat on a chair next to Nick.

I expected to see him in a peaceful sleep but his face had a constant expression of pain. This only made me feel worse about my self. "Being here has taught me three things: How to handle pain, how to move on and that Destiny is a fucking bitch! Nick taught me the third one..." Finnick said to me and wiped the sweat off Nick's forehead, I don't know why he said that but it made sense.

He meant that Nick could handle pain, at least I hope he could. I didn't want to lose him, not after what  I did.

When he begged me to do it again, his voice was so fragile. He was standing on the line of life and death... and he was on my paws. Most would keep their last breath but he just asked me to do it again as if it was the only thing he ever craved for.... I wonder if he even knew what I did.

Nick POV

I felt something cold on my forehead and excruciating pain on my chest, I could feel someone reconnecting my ribs. I couldn't move, speak or react to anything. All I could do was feel pain. It spread all over my body like a curse. All I saw was darkness. Was that what awaited me? Was I really a cursed man, forced to pain while awake and fear while asleep?

I did something good and all I got from it was more pain, I wondered if it was even worth clinging on to life anymore. Should I just give up? It would save me from all this pain....

"Don't give up... I need you" Judy's voice was heard from the abyss surrounding my vision... how could I hear her? I could even hear my breath... but her voice was crystal clear, telling me to do what my heart could bare... hang on. I mustered all my power to move my lips, I had to speak to her! "J...J.........Judy" I said. The air came like fire in my lungs, burning me from the inside. I hoped she heard me.

Suddenly I felt her paw on mine, it didn't hurt. Oh what a good feeling! Happiness flowed like a tsunami throughout my body, telling it not to give up because there was something worth fighting for... someone at the end of the line... someone that was worth defying death. I will shatter the walls of life if I have to!

"I.... am........ alive" I whispered, knowing that she could hear me. The only thing that I wanted right now was to hear her voice again. "Oh Nick..." She said. She had no idea how happy she made me.

I am pathetic... feeling happy because of a bunny, most foxes would call me a disgrace right now but to be honest.... I don't care. That bunny was worth suffering all this pain. "...I am sorry" Her voice was heard again. Dumb bunny.... "D... don't...be" I said before passing out again.

A/N I know this chapter is small but the next will be bigger and more important.... just wait.

Savagetopia (JudyxNick)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora