I Miss Myself Judy

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Nick POV

I didn't even know for how long I sat inside that car, waiting.... no, thinking about what I was supposed to do. I was confused and to be honest tired, not physically but mentally. One moment I was discussing with an enemy and then I find out that a random bunny is my father. Now I was outside the ZPD, waiting for my own stupidity to end and get that rabbit out of there since Max was gonna kill him based on what the Hunter said. She didn't even deserve to be called my mother.

"Fucking hell Nick just get over it" I scolded myself and hit my head, trying to snap out of my moody attitude but I couldn't. It was like a gloomy cloud was floating over my head, making it impossible for me to get my ass out of the car and be done with this shit. I opened the glove box and after messing around with some flyers that Judy had forgotten in there I found something I didn't expect to see. It was a trinket.... more like a locket of some sort, that Judy had given me the first day we came to the ZPD. When we still had hope.

I looked outside the car window and suddenly the large cement building was replaced by the inner wall of the 'sanctuary' and the dark night gave its place to the sunniest of days.

3 years ago

"Look Judy! We finally made it!" I exclaimed and jumped without being able to hold myself, my excitement was beyond words back then. "I know Nick.... finally" She said and cuddled over to my chest, hugging me as much as her little arms could reach. Roebuck was sitting besides us, not bothering to share the happiness. We had reached the outer wall of the 'sanctuary' and now we were being transferred with the last working train to the ZPD to be greeted by the chief of police.

I put my arm around Judy and based my head on the other one, gazing at our future that stood right outside that window. Despite knowing the thing about the Hunter I couldn't help but feel happy, happier than I've ever felt.... more than I had with Judy. "So what are our plans Nick? OH we should definitely search for an apartment!" She squeaked with excitement and her little tail wiggled as she begun thinking about how our place would look like. "I'll leave the pleasure to you Carrots" I sighed and put my head back.

"Judy?" I asked without looking at her, my eyes fixed outside the window. "Yes Nicky?" She replied happily, it almost seemed as if nothing could ruin her mood at that time. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I was the one to do so... "I was thinking... maybe we could have kits" I said and waited for her response, maybe that was what she wanted to hear. Something happy, nothing that would ruin this perfect moment.

"This is a big step Nick.... but now we're here, we can do anything! I'll give it a thought you dirty minded fox" She giggled and closed her eyes. She had stopped being cute in my eyes, that would be rude of me. The only word I could describe her was simple, worn off by the millions of uses yet the only thing that could depict what she was: Gorgeous. That was it, yes. Gorgeous was what she was and I'd like to hear someone disagree with me. I looked down at her to see her eyes closed and her ears lying on my shoulder. She was sleeping.

I returned my eyes outside the window to see flashing pictures of what seemed to me like a nice place to live. The collapsed buildings and ruined streets had slowly started to give their place to nicely decorated apartments, the savages were replaced by animals and the soundless world I had used had disappeared into the chaos of the living city. This felt great, even with all my worries I just couldn't feel bad at the time.

"What are you actually thinking of doing Nick?" Roebuck asked, his eyes closed but his mind working faster than ever. "I don't know bud, not sure" I replied. Of course he had waited for Judy to fall asleep to make that conversation, he still had enough of a souls to allow her to rest in peace and make happy dreams. "You should have a plan, we both know this place isn't as safe as it seems" He continued. The train cart must have bumped into something on the rails, causing a bit of turmoils which slightly woke up Judy.

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