Part II: Race against Time

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A/N I know I am being demanding but would you please leave a comment? Even if it is a couple of words... I wanna know that people are reading my books. Please guys!

Judy POV

"I think they stopped following us" Jasmine said and stopped running, we couldn't keep on moving. "We're safe here, we can sit for a moment I guess" Finnick said and sat down as well, he was breathing heavily. Nobody seemed to be concerned for the obvious. "What happened to Nick? Where is he?!" I asked and looked back, deep inside I had an idea about what this noise was but I didn't want to accept it.

"He's not coming back Judy....." Finnick said and looked down at his paws, why are they so pessimistic. "He blew himself up to save us" Jasmine said sorrowfully, why did they keep saying that?! "A bomb? Where did he find it?" I asked, now emotionally ruined. After all we had done to keep him alive he went on and killed himself like that... unbelievable.

"During the first year of the outbreak we tried to get to Tundra town through this tunnel. We were ten back then.... only us three made it" Finnick said and paused, he wanted to make a point here. One that I didn't want to get. "Before the last on died he gave Nick his... 'birthday present'. We didn't know what else he told Nick.... now we do" He continued without looking at me, it was hard to explain such a sad story.

They lost seven of their friends and now they had lost their leader... "... and all because of me! I am so useless!!" I said and fell on my knees. I knew why I was crying and I wanted to stop but I couldn't, because deep inside me I thought that if Nick saw me like this... he would do the same thing I did for him back in that alley. I wish he could come, take my paw and tell me that everything would be fine... but he wouldn't.

"It's not your fault Judy... he chose this" Jasmine said, trying to control her tears as well. "God dammit kid!! Why did you do this?" Finnick burst in tears as well, he couldn't keep the tough guy act.... he had lost a valuable friend and he didn't care if he would break the image he had.

"Here's what we gonna do.... we're gonna camp here and relax. Then we can move on" Finnick said through his tears and got up to light up a fire. The cold of Tundra Town was present even inside the tunnel, barely though.

Small snowflakes that had made it this far inside the tunnel were now falling slowly on the wrecked cars, melting the moment they touched the surface. I let one touch my fur, just to feel the cold on me. I wanted something to escape from this, something to help me feel better. I thought that the cold touch of snow would help, but it couldn't. Then I remembered what I had told my father when I was younger... "If nothing can help you then help yourself!".

I breathed in and realized how correct I was back then, nothing can change things but me. I will do what I must to feel better and there is only one thing that can do that... find Nick.

I got up and found the other two already sleeping, crawled up close to the fire. I knew that just leaving them wasn't a good option but they wouldn't allow me to leave if I told them. So I packed my backpack, took my shotgun and a flashlight. "See you late guys" I whispered and took the way back, hoping to find Nick. I didn't look back because I knew that it would make me hesitate.

"I'm coming Nick, hang in there" I said and moved on.


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