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Nick POV

"Is everyone in place?" I asked through the radio. All I could hear for that moment was the static and the rain, nothing else. It was as if nature had decided to make me deaf so that I could only hear the depressing sound of the raindrops hitting the ground in a rapid pace. "Yeah, we're waiting for your signal" Roebuck's voice was heard from the other side  of the line and I thanked god for making him answer. I was nervous if nothing else.

"Good" He said and went silent again. The plan was simple but we knew that it would be absolute hell to make it work. Six hours earlier Weston had sent a message to my mother that told her to bring Finnick at the exact spot I was standing right now. It was a free kill for her, even with those three snipers we had managed to gather she could easily take me down. Unfortunately for me the plan didn't necessarily involve anything close to me getting out of there alive..... our goal was to kill Finnick and my mother no matter the cost.

I breathed in to calm myself. I raised my head to the sky and felt the rain hit my face, it was a weird feeling actually. I hadn't had that many moments for myself the past three years and now I was sitting in the middle of an abandoned basketball field, waiting for an old friend to arrive. I looked down at the ground in an attempt to distract myself and forget about Finnick. The cracks on the cement had turned into little puddles of rainwater and mud. "Movement on the road ahead, it's them" I heard Judy's voice from the radio.

It was time for me to get started. I stood up and loaded my gun, it was an age old classic revolver with a wooden grip. I loaded all six bullets in it and got ready as I saw the lights of a car coming from the alley next to the field. It was a black military truck with bulletproof windows. Suddenly the doors opened and two animals came out, one covered in grey cloth and a gas mask while the other one.... we all knew who the other one was. They walked to a point where we could hear each other and sill be at a safe distance. "Hey Finnick.... it's been a while" I said, my voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.

"Finnick?" He asked me, of course he hadn't remembered. "So I am guessing this isn't surrendering yourself?" The hunter, my mother asked. "No, I am here to kill both of you" I said in my classic attitude and raised the gun to the level of my face. They looked at each other with suspicion, of course they didn't believe that I would dare do such thing. We had fought in the past and I hadn't been able to muster the strength to face them... how could I anyway? One was my best friend and the other one was my mother for god's sake.

"Oh really? Come then.... fight me" My mother said and stepped in front of Finnick who spat on the ground and looked around, they already knew we were not alone. "One one one?" I asked, she didn't trust me and I didn't trust her either. "Sure" She said and place her bow on the ground. She then nodded to Finnick, telling him to back off and give us some space. He backed off and laid his back on the wall as he waited for the show to start.

I put my gun back in the holster and got ready for her, I knew how she was going to attack. She was a savage and besides the intelligence they were supposed to have they were still as predictable as their mindless replacements were. "Come at me you bitch" I said and a wicked smile appeared on her face as if she was about to taste her favorite food. She charged with extreme speed and headed for my throat.

A second before her claws hit my throat, everything froze. She had no idea what was coming to her. There is no way I could protect Judy and my kits if I hadn't sacrificed something.... my foot and my eye was nothing more than a trinket in front of what I had to give... my nature. I dashed backwards at double the speed she had attacked me and landed on all fours. Suddenly all of my senses were sharpened and I could hear everything. The motion of he muscles as she moved to attack me again, her lungs drawing air and the beat of her heart as she got excited.

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