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Prologue || Riley's P.O.V

I walk down the hallway heading straight for my locker, sighing as I know there is still one more class before school finally comes to an end.

I just can't wait until the day that I am out of this prison, this human form of hell. Knowing that I still have three more years makes me so frustrated, but the day will come and I am going to be the happiest person ever. Guaranteed.

My legs take me farther down the hall, kids shoving me without any notice or care in the world. I groan as I roll my eyes, my dislike for this place growing more and more by the second. Anything anyone does seems to aggravate me.

I turn the corner, my eyes falling upon three boys hovering over someone; Mike Samson, Jerry Warren and Stephen Turner. They were laughing at the person that was now curled up in the fetal position.

My annoyance for this place grows even more so at this scene. Mike was a good friend of my brothers, the only problem was that he was a major dick. Jerry and Stephen weren't though. They were in my grade, but they were just as much a dick as Mike.

My eyebrows pull together as I charge towards the small circle they had formed. My eyes peer passed the boys that were standing there and to their victim. Marcel.

For some reason, the entire school had a need to pick on Marcel. It started as just calling him names like 'nerd' and such. But then it was some moron's idea to take it a step further, physically abusing the innocent boy.

I had always stopped people at every chance I could. At home, my brother, Callum, would say horrible things or laugh at something the others did to Marcel and I would snap. If my friends would see him walking down the hall and say, 'oh look, here comes the nerd' I would tell them not to and tell them about my cousin who was in hospital for three weeks because people bullied her. Nobody deserved the treatment Marcel received.

"MIKE!" I shout, my eyes sternly glaring at the three boys. Callum had always warned the boys to never upset his little sister. Most of the time they listened.

I move my eyes always from Mike's and towards a beaten Marcel on the floor. I send Marcel an apologetic look before my face hardens, looking back at Mike and his followers.

"What do you want?" He asks, annoyance dripping from his voice.

"Leave. Him. Alone. I don't get why you feel the urge to pick on him so much." I say as I throw my hands up, Mike sighing as he rolls his eyes.

"Oh yeah? Do you have a crush on the nerdy loser?" He asks sarcastically, chuckling with his minions.

I just shrug before answering. "So what if I do? You only pick on him because you know he's better looking than you. Better looking and way smarter too." I smirk and Mike's smile falters.

"Whatever. What do you even want?" He asks forgetting my previous request.

"I already told you, go away. Leave Marcel alone for good." I say sternly.

"Oh yeah? And if we don't and kick his head in?" He pushes.

"If you don't I'll tell your mum where you really were when you 'stayed at my place'." I threaten, Mike going pale. Mike tells his mum that he is going to stay over at our place so he can sleep with his girlfriend. His mother is very catholic so she forbids them doing anything like that. She threatened him that if he does he has to move away.

"Hey guys," Mike chokes, "lets go so the couple can have some private time." He forces a chuckle. Jerry kicks Marcel one last time before they leave.

"Are you ok?" I ask moving to his aide. He looks at me, a small smile tugging at his plump lips.

"Y-yes, I think so. Th-thank you Riley." He says.

"It's alright. They're just.." I trial off, my mind describing how I feel about them but I don't voice any of those thoughts. "I'm not sure what an appropriate word to describe them would be." I say through a snicker, Marcel smiling at me. "You sure you're alright? Not just trying to be some hero?" I ask again and he nods.

"Fine, thank you very much." He says trying hard to get up but struggling because of his beating. I reach my hand out, helping the innocent boy rise.

.•*•. .•*•. .•*•.

At the end of class I race out of my math class as fast as my legs could take me without noticeably sprinting away. When I get out I stand on the footpath, my eyes roaming the small area for my mother's car. I come up short as I continue my endless search. Minutes pass before I see my father's work car approaching in the distance.

He pulls up next to me and I get in the passenger side, a smile taking over my face.

"Hey dad." I greet, my father returning my smile and greeting.

"Hello sweetie," he says, pulling away from te sidewalk.

As we drive away from the school my eyes focus outside the window, my blue irises landing on a particular brown haired boy with large, thick, black glasses.

He must see me too as he smiles with a wave.

I return both gestures, waving with a smile as we disappear down the road.

* * *

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoy this book.

Love you xxx

Published: 26th December 2016
Edited: 22nd January 2017

© copyright of 1d_minnion

Dangerous Lover || Harry Styles fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora