To Save A Life - ASFJerome/PeteZahHutt Fanfic

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Dedicated to JordyLivesMC

- Chapter One

I pulled up my hoodie, making sure my face was covered. I could feel everyone's eyes on me, but I ignored it. It wasn't hurting me at the moment.

"Hoodie off, Marse." The aid said, glaring at me. I whispered a 'Sorry' and immediately what she told me to.

A few students near us called me a goody-goody. That was true, but only because I didn't want any enemies and my sister wouldn't like it if I was a rude, heartless person.

I sighed softly, finally making it to my class. Before opening the door, I whispered a good luck to myself. The door suddenly swung open, revealing a boy with messy hair and wild, wide eyes.

"Oh, sorry about that!" He grinned sheepishly. "I should've been more careful. Anyways, I have to go. See ya!" With that, he ran off.

I didn't know what to think of it. His appearance threw me off and so did the door opening at the exact moment I chose to. It was also how he did not notice who I was.

To almost everyone, I was the goody two shoes. Nothing more and probably anything less. They didn't really pick on me (everyone was expected to acts like adults) but they just made comments here and there. It didn't bother me much.

I shrugged my shoulders at what happened and entered the classroom. The whole room was nearly empty, the only thing in it was a desk at the front. Near the desk was one of my teachers, Mr. Grale.

He looked up from the desk and smiled at me. It wasn't one of those usual happy smiles, though. It was one of the bittersweet ones, the ones that contain sadness, but you hide with happiness.

"Hello, Marse. How are you?" He asked politely. I tried to ignore the room.

"I feel okay, I guess. A bit sadder, but okay."

We lapsed into silence. I looked around the now empty room. All the desks in little groups, all the posters, the huge collection of books that were on display. It was all gone. It made my heart break a bit.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked, my eyes just staring at the carpeteted floor.

"No. I couldn't tell anyone else, but you. They'll just try to convince me to stay. As much as I want mother can't take care of herself."

Nodding softly, I spoke. "I hope your mother will be well soon and that you'll be coming back. All of us are going to miss you."

Mr. Grale looked at me with thankful eyes.

I waved goodbye to him and left the room to go to my next class. As I walked, my heart felt like it was aching. I was losing an important figure in my life. He was like a father to me.

"You okay, Marse?" The nurse wondered, giving me a worried look.

"I'm fine, Ms. Cella."

When in reality, I didn't know myself.

To Save A Life | asfjerome / petezahhuttWhere stories live. Discover now