Aaron said and sat down infront of the door. I took a seat, then Nash and Cameron did.

*** An hour larer***

I'm so tired. Yes, were still sitting here.

I heard the door handle start to jiggle, and I hurried and got up, and so did the other guys.

He opened the door then looked up and saw us.

"I'm not letting you in I have to go to the bathroom." He said and stormed away.

We ran into his bedroom and hid, so he'd shut the door and Cameron would lock it.

He ran back in and locked his door then ran to his bed.

"We need to talk." Nash said popping up, making him jump.

"What is there to talk about?"

"We feel bad lil bro. We shouldn't of done it, and we're sorry. Emily's brothers are to."

"As much as I hate to admit it, it's also my fault." He said and we all walked out.

"I shouldn't of gone with it, I should've told you no. I know Cam had the video, but I forgot I already told her." He said putting his head down.

"No it is not Ha-"

"Yes it is. Just don't tell me its not. I need your guys help."

"What do you need help with lil brother?" Cameron said.

"To make her not mad at me."

Emily's POV

I hate this. I hate it all. Why me?!

"EMILY JUST LET US IN!" Anthony screamed.

"N-no go a-away!" I said through tears.

"Please!? Dinner is ready!" Jake said.

"I'm not hungry! J-just leave!" I screamed.

I could hear the boys sigh and walk away. I started crying and I need to talk to my best friend.

I facetimed her and she answered.

"Megan, I- I need you to sleep over. I need a g-girl over." I said crying.

"Emily! Oh my gosh! I'll tell my mom to take me right now! I'll bring movies and ice cream!" She said, which made me laugh a little.

"Okay, I love you." I said.

"Back at ya. Bye!" She said then hung up.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Who is it?" I said trying to stop crying.

"It's your best friend!" Megan said and I ran to the door.

I unlocked it and grabbed her and gave her a huge hug. I probably squeezed her to death, but she didn't seem to care when she wrapped her arms around me.

"Got the ice cream." She said.

"I got the toppings!" I said and we went down stairs to make our Sundays.

"Okay, so the toppings are, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, m&m's, peanuts, and Carmel." I told her.

The boys came down and I instantly turned away.

"Hi Ems." Jake said.

I rolled my eyes then he sighed.

"C'mon Megan, we got the stuff lets go." I said and walking up the stairs.

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