Chapter 13: Bryn.

Start from the beginning

I laugh, "Nothing much. How about you?"

"Same," she applies some mascara.

After a while of silence, her applying makeup and me fidgeting around with my phone; she breaks the silence, "So what book are you currently reading?"

"'The Sun Is Also a Star' by Nicola Yoon," I answer, fixing my hair.

"Oh, is it like, a science book or something?" She asks adding blush to her pink cheeks.

"Nope, romance novel," I answer trying to decide whether I pull my hair into a cute pony tail or keep it loose.

"About?" She asks, filling up her eyebrows.

"A girl, Natasha, doesn't believe in fate or love. All she believes is in science and facts. She doesn't believe dreams come true, neither. And then, she meets a boy, and she knows nothing will happen with him even though she can't help it but fall in love with him.

And a guy, Daniel, always been the good son, the good student, the good kid. He tries and lives up to his parent's expectations and follows their plan to become a doctor. But his own plan is to be a poet, a dreamer. But when he meets this girl, he forgets all about that. He thinks fate has an extraordinary plan for the both of them," I explain. I turn to her and see she's now staring at me. I fight the urge to blush and stare back.

She finally clears her throat and says, "Text me the name, I need to buy that."

I smile and ask for her number. I text her the name and she sends back 'Thanks :)' even though we are literally standing in front of each other.

"Loosen your hair, it's cuter on you," she says when she sees I have made the decision of braids.

"Er...okay," I loosen my hair and arrange it a bit. Bryn's right, it is cuter down.


We walk in the halls of the school, talking.

The weird thing is: everyone I walk passed says hi to me.

Like, why?

Are people suddenly interested in being my friend just because I am the friend of a celebrity?


Is that what celebrities go through?

That sucks, man.

But, as I earlier told Shawn: people are going to be people, and you can't do anything about it.

We walk next to a janitor's closet and nobody's around that area (thank gosh, one more hi and I'm going to scream). Bryn stops to get something from her locker which is right across the janitor's closet.

Why I'm telling you this is because it is the same closet Shawn and I hid in.

I wait for Bryn right outside the closet while she talks about a movie she recently watched and fidgets around her locker and while I replay the conversation Shawn and I had in the locker.

Suddenly, the door behind me bursts open and Shawn throws his arms around me.

"Emma! Thank goodness!" He hugs me tight. I look at him but don't hug back in shock. He looks like he's been running, a lot.

"Sh-Shawn!" I exclaim, finally hugging him back, "The hell happened to you?"

He pulls back and explains, "I have a free period and a mob of girls were chasing me. That was the only hiding place. I heard a girl's voice and got terrified of getting caught, then I heard your voice and..."

"What a funky adventure, Mr. Mendes," I laugh, "meanwhile — stuff," I mean to tell him about the girls but realize Bryn was watching and listening to us, "has been going on."

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