We walked onto the elevator.

"Carlee, wait." Chris said.

I put up my middle finger as the doors closed.

Stupid ass nigga.


I walked to our bedroom. Carlee was sleep, with food in her hand. I didn't come home straight from work because I wanted her to cool off first.

Walking over to her I bent down and kissed her cheek until she woke up. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes.

"I brought you flowers baby." I passed them to her. She snatched them and tossed the bouquet across the room.

Those were expensive.

She climbed off the bed and started walking to the closet.

"Carlee can we talk?"

"It ain't nothing to talk about."

"I was just trying to be nice."

"I don't want to fucking hear it! I'm going to my house tonight."

"It's was just lunch, it was harmless baby."

"Chris please let it go. I told you to keep it professional. Going to lunch is not keeping shit professional. I was your assistant too, did you forget that?! You being nice can lead to shit." She slid on her shoes. "I'm just going to go home because I don't want my blood pressure to go up and then I end up back in the hospital."

She tried to walk out but I stopped her. "I'm not letting you leave okay? Carlee you gotta trust me. I'm not going to hurt you. I've done some stupid shit before but I'm not about to fuck up again."

"I need to be alone, excuse me."

She pushed me away from her and walked out the closet, out the room, then out the house.

I sat on the bed and put my head in my hands. I should've followed my first mind and just said no.

The Next Day.

I decided to take the day off. It would be best if I was no where near Karin.

I've called Carlee a million times, she won't answer. So I gave up. After jumping in the shower and freshening I went to go make me something to eat. Today would just be a movie day. I don't feel like being bothered by anybody.

While walking back to my room the front door opened. Turning around I ran into Carlee.

"Baby." I said.

"I'm just here to grab some shoes." She continued up the stairs. I followed behind her. When we got in the room I sat on the bed and searched for something to watch.

Dragonball Z was on so you know I was all in.

Carlee eventually walked back out the closet with a bag. Jumping off the bag I took it from her. "What's this?"

"My stuff, now excuse me."

"Baby I think you're overreacting. I know you're tired of hearing me say sorry but I really am. All of this would've been avoided if you would've just came back as my assistant."

"So this is all my fucking fault?!"

"No Carlee! Listen, We don't need any drama right now we got so much exciting stuff about to happen and I'm not trying to have your blood pressure through the roof because you're stressing over something that ain't even worth it. I love you Carlee and I'm going to make sure that I do what you ask from here on out." I pulled her to me and kissed her forehead. "Okay?"


I smirked. "Now don't you want to go out and look at more stuff for the baby?"

"I guess."

"Alright, let me go slip on some shoes and we can head out."

She sat on the bed and I headed to get my stuff.

I got to keep my promise to her. Even though I know Karin doesn't even want me the way Carlee thinks she does.

But my family comes first even though Karin is a cool chick that I kind of like to be around.

Jefe - A Chris Brown StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora