Acceptance-I think not.

Start from the beginning

Evelyn laughed lightly and gave her daughter a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “You’re not a slut,” She said. “When you’re ready just tell him. Just say. “Shawn, let’s have sex!””

Cassidy smiled and shook her head. “Great advice mom,” She said sarcastically. “It’s nice to know my own mother is encouraging me to have sex.”

She felt dirty as that certain word rolled off her tongue.

“I’m not encouraging,” She said. “As much as I would like for you to wait it’s not like I can stop you two from doing anything physical.”

  Cassidy opened her mouth to speak but before she managed to get the first word out the doorbell rang throughout the house. “Thank god,” Cassidy said and tossed the dish towel onto the counter and ran through the corridor to see who the unexpected visitor was that was stopping by late in the evening.  

Cassidy smiled at the man standing before her, Agent Miller. For the past month this man had stopped by her house every other day. She supposed he was lonely and didn’t have family for around here. So her mother brought him in like he was one of her own. Of course her parents didn’t mind his company. They actually liked him, surprisingly. And he was slowly growing on Cassidy as well, sadly she wished her parents, well more father liked Shawn as much as he did Miller.

“Thought I’d take the liberty of hand delivering this to you myself,” He said as he handed Cassidy the manila envelope.

“You came all the way out here just to drop off an envelope late at night and in the pouring rain nonetheless.” She said curiously. “What is it?”

“Take a wild guess,” Miller said

“Shut up, it came in!?” Cassidy said, ripping the manila envelope out of his hand excitedly.

Miller smiled. “Yep.”

Cassidy stared at the manila envelope in her hands then up to Miller. “I’m too nervous, I can’t open it.” She said, then handed him the envelope back. “You do it.”

Evelyn walked into the foyer. “What’s going on?”

Cassidy turned to her mother with a grin on her face. “The test results came in,” She said.

“Well, then let’s hear it!” Evelyn said excitedly. “Open it!”

“No need, I already know the outcome of the results.” He said. “Out of the five who made it to the written assessment, that’s with you included. Three out of five made it with one score exceptionally high and the others passing by a hair. The student with the top score was you, Cassidy. You scored a 96/100, an almost perfect score. The highest score this agency has ever come across.” He said. “Congratulations,”

“Holy crap, I passed!” She shouted excitedly as she threw her arms around Miller’s neck. “I freakin’ passed!”

She pulled away then embraced her mother. “I’m so proud of you, sweetheart.” She said. “There was no doubt in my mind you couldn’t do it.”

“I gotta tell dad!” She said.

“Hold up,” Miller said. “There’s still a lot we need to discuss. By far you’re the youngest who’s ever applied to take the exam and has passed. Required age to be employed with the Drug Enforcement Agency is twenty one. You young lady are sixteen and won’t be turning seventeen until sometime next year. That’s still quite a ways from being the required age. Though, my employers are still battling this out with the state for you to join us when you’re officially done with the state’s requirements from the police academy as well as a few classes under your belt from the local college.”

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