Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Oh!" A sudden gasp caused Dan and I to quickly break away. Dan's mum was standing in the doorway, her hand lightly covering her mouth.

"Mum..." Dan stepped away from me, his face heating up. I would normally find it funny, but I'm sure I looked no different.

"Well, I can't say I didn't expect it..." Mrs. Howell chuckled uncomfortably. 

There was a long silence before Dan's mum spoke again. "Look you two, I'm fine with you being together, in fact, I think you're a very cute couple, but just.... please, try not to have sex yet--"

"Mum!" Dan shrieked, a horrified look on his beet-red face.

"I know, parents don't like having "the talk" either. Oh, and also--"

"Mum," Dan spoke through gritted teeth. "Please, leave."

Mrs. Howell smiled. "Well, I need to run some errands anyway. Goodbye, you two," she gave us a small smile before walking out of the kitchen.

Dan and I stood awkwardly in silence.

"Do you uh, want a waffle?" I slowly slid the plate of waffles over to Dan, but he shook his head.

"I lost my appetite."

Dan's POV

The days until Christmas flew by, everyone rushing around in a festive  frenzy. Before we knew it, it was the twenty fifth.

Dad had managed to get off work just in time for the big day; he arrived home late last night. It's currently a little after seven in the morning, Christmas is one of the few days on which I will actually wake up early. 

"Dan, hurry up!" Phil wined, clearly wide awake. He had burst into my room far too early for my liking.

"Yeah, yeah," I got out of bed, stretching tiredly. "C'mon, my parents are probably already downstairs."

The two of us made our way down the steps, immediately greeted by a chorus of holiday greetings. 

"Well, let's not waste time," Dad began, handing us all a present. He had always been a huge Christmas enthusiast. 

Phil  was quiet, staring down at the package my dad had given him. "This...You got me a present?" 

"Well of course! You're practically our son now." My mum laughed.

Phil grinned, possibly looking the happiest I had ever seen him. He unwrapped his present, pulling out a dark blue sweater. It was simple, but elegant; I'm sure it would look amazing on him.

"Thank you!" Phil smiled at my parents, giving them both a quick hug. "I wasn't really sure what you would like, but here," Phil awkwardly grabbed a present out from under the tree. "I got a sort of 'family gift'" Phil laughed nervously. 

My parents both smiled, taking the gift and thanking Phil. He had gotten a fancy recipe book, which I could tell my mom loved.


An hour or so later, we had opened almost all the presents and finished breakfast. The only two gifts we had left were the ones Phil and I got for each other, we had both agreed to wait and open them privately, mainly because the idea of showing PDA in front of my parents was still weird.

My extended family wasn't coming until around three, so My boyfriend and I decided to go up to my room to exchange gifts.

"I hope you like it," I smiled, handing Phil a small package.

"Ditto," Phil gave me a small, poorly-wrapped box 

"Together?" He suggested.

I nodded. "One, two, three!"

We both tore greedily into our packages, wrapping paper falling to the ground. I looked at the small, navy blue box in my hands, opening it slowly. I gasped softly; inside was one of the most interesting and beautiful watches I had ever seen. It was almost completely black, aside from the hands and a few silver swirls crawling around the face.

"Oh my gosh, I love it! Thank you!" I gave Phil, who was still opening his gift, a gentle kiss on the cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. "It's perfect."

Phil beamed proudly, only stopping once he saw his own present. I had gotten him a necklace. Now usually, I wouldn't dream of buying my boyfriend a necklace, but when I saw this, I couldn't think of anything but Phil. The chain was very thin, and dark as pitch. The pendant on the other hand was a bright, flashy gold, cut in the shape of a lion's head;  a complete contradiction to the chain. Jewelry was typically seen as a sign of femininity, but this meant something entirely different to me. It was meant to show passion and strength, something to remind Phil that he didn't need my or anyone else's help; he already had the mental ability to overcome whatever he was going through, I was just there to support him.

"Dan, I..." Phil looked up at me, his words seeming to fail him. Giving up on verbal communication, Phil lunged at me, engulfing me in a hug. "It's perfect," he whispered, pressing a kiss to my cheek. 

"I'm glad you like it," I laughed warmly, pushing him back so I could meet his gaze. "Merry Christmas, Phil."

Phil smiled, giving me another peck on the cheek. "Merry Christmas, love."

We decided to re-join my family, which wasn't too bad of a decision. We spent the rest of Christmas day enjoying mince pies, telling bad jokes, and enjoying each other's company. Phil got to meet my cousins' family, who were all very accepting, and liked him very much. I loved seeing him so happy...

 By the end of the day, I decided I'm quite confident in saying that this was the best Christmas I'd ever had.


Lmao I keep complaining about having unimportant chapters but then I keep writing more.


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