Chapter Sixteen

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Which version of My Chemical Romance's "Cancer" do you prefer? The original or the Twenty One Pilots one?

Even though I like TOP better than MCR (they're good, I just never really got into them) , I kind of prefer the original one. But they're both vvvvvvv good so it's kinda a tie


I kinda want to divide it into two chapters so I don't have to worry about writing the next one for a while but I don't think enough happens in this chapter that is super exciting for me to do that.

Phil's POV:

My foot bounced up and down nervously. I seemed to have entered some odd state of hyper-awareness. The once quiet ticking of a clock echoed though me like a second heartbeat. The tenuous flicker of that one celling light in the corner had turned to a violent strobe. My anxiety levels were steadily crawling back up.

No, no, no. Not again. A sharp pain crawled over my head as I raked my nails across my scalp, tugging at my hair. The walls were closing in and blackness swam in front of my eyes.

Just calm down it's okay, it will be over soon.

No it won't

I needed to get out of this waiting room, I needed to do something besides sitting. I stood up and began blindly running towards the exit. I just made it around the corner before colliding with some thing, hard. I tried to step back but lost my balance and fell, taking down what I presumed was another human with me. The collision seemed to be enough to knock me back into reality.

"Owww..." I heard someone groan. I felt a slight movement under my stomach and realized I was lying on their arm.

"Oh, sorry!" I pushed myself up enough for the boy to remove his limb.


I looked up at the boy.


Before I could say anything else I was enveloped in a hug, nearly being pushed back to the ground.

"I'm so glad you're okay..." Dan whispered, tightening his grip.

I smiled sadly. "I don't think that's the best word to describe me at the moment."

Dan leaned back, his expression suddenly dropping. "What happened?"

Sighing, I stood up slowly. "C'mon." I held out my hand to Dan, helping him up. "I'll tell you while we walk."

Dan's POV:

"So um, my dad was never a very... fatherly person." Phil started.

We were walking down the hospital hallway, I just wasn't sure where we were going. "Meaning...?" I raised my eyebrow, signing for elaboration.

"He..." Phil stopped, seemingly loosing his will to speak.

"Phil?" I stopped walking. "What did he do?"

Phil was looking at me but his mind was somewhere else. "Phil?" I reached out and gently laid my hand on his shoulder. The dark-haired boy jumped, and I quickly recoiled my hand.

"Sorry, I...Its been a long night..."He gave a fake smile as a tear ran down his cheek.


The smile slipped off his face and the little bit of light left in his eyes dulled. A small wave of trembles quickly escalated into shaking sobs.

"My life is horrible, Dan." Phil slowly slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor.

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