Chapter 31: Blood Deal

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"Please?" She bid.

"No." He denied.

"Oh, c'mon, please?" She begged.

"No." He shook his head.

"Please please please please please?" She appealed making him chuckle.

"Caroline, I am not turning the wolf." Kol smirked from where he stood in front of her. She'd been hounding him for two days and it was now the Friday. They were in the middle of the town square and she shot him a disapproving look while she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Why are you being so damn difficult? You're not going to miss like a mouthful of blood." She retorted amusing him that she'd be so bold – he was truly fascinated that she had no fear of anything.

"I am not being difficult. I merely despise werewolves." Kol countered.

"But he won't be a werewolf if you give me some blood!" She exclaimed like he was insane making him snicker.

"Please, dear, say that louder." Kol teased and she huffed.

"There must be something that you want or some deal we could make." She ignored him and his face moulded into a cheeky grin.

"Go out with me and I will do it." He countered and she blinked in surprise.

"I'm not a prostitute, Mikaelson." She retorted annoyed and he chuckled.

"Then go hunting with me." He smirked as he stepped up to her and trailed a finger down her cheek seductively and she tried not to gulp –damn those Mikaelson men! Caroline, however, knew that Damon would be hurt if she went feeding with Kol. She hadn't seen him since Katherine died and she missed him so much that she'd had three bouts of random crying because she just ached for him.

"Hunting what?" Caroline tested.

"Humans." He replied amused like it was obvious and she hesitated then he cocked his head to the side. "Unless… you have a better idea?" He smirked and her eyes widened – of course! That would be perfect!

"I would like to ask a hypothetical question first." She started and he gave her an amused nod for her to continue. "Are you able to turn just a dormant werewolf or any werewolf?" Caroline asked.

"Any, why?" Kol tested cocking an eyebrow and she tried not to smile.

"Well, I'm not going to go hunting for humans with you but if you really want me to go on a killing spree with you… I know the location of a werewolf pack." She replied stunning him then he grinned at her cheekily – she didn't know that he had an alternative motive for getting her to go hunting with him. Caroline actually knew the location for more than one but she wasn't going to tell him that, she just wanted the Jules bitch dead…

"And in return, you would like me to turn Tyler?" Kol smirked.

"And his uncle, Mason." Caroline replied.

"He has triggered the curse?" Kol tested and Caroline nodded. "Very well, I will turn Tyler now then after the pack is dead, I will turn the uncle. Do we have a deal?" He cocked an eyebrow at her and she exhaled then gave him a nod.

"Deal." She agreed then he bit his hand and held it out to her. "You want to seal it in blood?" She asked sceptically and he chuckled.

"I am old-fashioned." He smirked and she rolled her eyes at him then bit her hand and shook his making him smile deviously.

"I am certain that you will enjoy our weekend away, Miss Forbes." He teased and she tried not to gulp – what the hell had she gotten herself into?

Caroline went straight to the boarding house as Kol was going to be dropping Tyler off there, but she knocked on the door. She was relieved when Stefan opened the door.

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