Chapter 18: Cutie Pie Fangs

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Caroline explained as much as she could to Bonnie. She told her about the original timeline, she told her about why she was sent back, she explained how things needed to be changed and Bonnie listened intently. Bonnie was still recovering from the shock that she was actually speaking to her best friend from the future and that vampires were real. She'd never thought that possible.

After dark on the Friday night, Caroline and Damon were walking into the boarding house. Stefan and Elena were sitting on the couches and Zack was pouring himself a drink, though the new couple hadn't noticed those sitting inside as they were too wrapped up in their conversation.

"I'm not playing naked Twister with you." Caroline muttered to Damon just as they walked in the door.

"Naked darts?" Damon smirked.

"No." She denied.

"Naked pool?" Caroline giggled at him being stupid.

"No." She denied.


"Damon." Caroline cut him off. "I'm not playing any games naked, so drop it." Caroline instructed and Stefan, Zack and Elena burst into laughter and Caroline blushed finally seeing them. She was a little embarrassed because it would mean that the future versions would remember this particular conversation too.

"Naked darts?" Stefan teased shaking with laughter.

"Shut up, Stefan." Caroline deadpanned and they only laughed louder.

"She's being a buzz-kill." Damon quipped while wandering over to the drinks cart - he wasn't the least bit embarrassed. He was Damon Salvatore - their opinions didn't remotely matter to him.

"Yes, well if you don't stop with the crap then your new girlfriend will be your hand." Caroline retorted and they all laughed loudly at that including Damon.

"I don't think so. You'd totally miss me, princess." Damon winked at her and she smirked. Zack was shocked yet again at just how into her Damon was as he'd never seen Damon be anything other than cold and calculating - but with Caroline, he smiled and laughed and the coldness surrounding him was thawing.

"Oh, you think so, do you?" Caroline asked amused.

"Mmhmm." He nodded.

"And what would I miss, sweetie? Your kindness and compassion for others?" She teased and Stefan and Zack were trying not to laugh hysterically at the blunt blonde having the guts to say that to Damon. "Your devotion to peace and love?" She joked and he rolled his eyes.

"Can't believe you said that." Stefan shook with laughter.

"You wouldn't miss anything?" Damon examined with a smirk.

"Maybe your vampire stamina." She winked and they all howled with laughter at that while Damon shot her a look for her comeback.

"Hey." He defended annoyed because they were not just having sex and he didn't like the thought that sex might be the only thing that she wanted him for.

"That's not a bad thing, Dammy-Jammy." She smirked and he deadpanned while Stefan and Zack nearly fell over in hysterics at the nickname.

"Stop calling me that." Damon said annoyed.

"Or you'll what?" Caroline smirked and he saw the mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"Or I'll bite you." He smirked back and she giggled.

"Promise?" She winked and he snickered amused.

"That doesn't bother you?" Stefan asked her sceptically and she shrugged.

Restart (Caroline/Damon Fanfic) *Discontinued*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora