Chapter 5: Feel It

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Damon was surprised when he felt her suck ever so gently on his wrist as she swallowed. He watched pink flow back into her cheeks and her heart beat a bit faster. Minutes later, her eyes fluttered open and he was surprised at how relieved he felt.

"Damon?" She whispered.

"You're okay." He stated more than asked while softly running his hand down her cheek.

"You came." She said quietly – internally she was a bit surprised that he had – and he smirked.

"You're my princess." He winked and she giggled softly because she forgot how sweet he could be when he wanted to be.

"The bite won't completely heal with your blood, will it?" She queried weakly.

"You didn't take enough to heal it completely." He confirmed. "It's a bit less bad." He remarked looking at her neck. "Why?"

"Because here's your chance to get on the Sheriff's good side. I'll tell her that you saved me." She said shocking him that she would do that for him. "Plus, it'll get me out of class for a couple of days." She quipped and he chuckled though he quite liked the idea of that as he'd have the chance to possibly spend some time with the intriguing young blonde human-that-wasn't-really-a-human.

"Are you sure?" He tested and she nodded.

"Listen, don't judge me for the next part. My mom thinks that I'm a total ditz, so I'm going to put on the waterworks." She mumbled while lifting her phone and he snickered amused.

"Okay." He agreed. "So, what's the story?" He checked.

"You've been looking for the vampire, you heard a scream, ran down here, saw him feeding on me, you hit the back of his head, he turned around and you staked him. And I'll go on about you being my hero and she'll totally buy it. Sound good?" She examined holding the phone to her ear and he smirked at her quick thinking.

"Alright." He accepted, amused by the little blonde. "Well done on the staking, by the way." He praised and she gave him a wink.

"Everything okay?" Liz answered.

"Mommy." Caroline whispered winking at Damon who bit his lip so he wouldn't laugh.

"Sweetheart? What's wrong?" Liz questioned, alarmed by Caroline calling her that.

"I was walking home…" Caroline sniffed and took a deep breath to let out a rant. "And this guy pulled me into an alley and bit me on the neck! I mean what kind of psycho does that, you know? He used to go to school here and everything… I mean I know jocks get hit on the head a lot but biting someone's neck? There must be serious issues there. He obviously needed therapy. But anyway! I'm bleeding everywhere and my dress is ruined and I'm totally gross from the alley and it's in my hair! I'll need like five showers to wash it out! I feel dizzy and my neck hurts because he totally bit me through the skin! Can you come get me?" She cried and Damon was trying not to fall over laughing at her little performance.

"Oh my God! Where are you?" Liz exclaimed.

"The alley next to the café." Caroline sobbed.

"I'll be right there, sweetheart. Just hold on." Liz willed and Caroline hung up then wiped her eyes.

"Sorry about that." She smirked and Damon finally laughed.

"You could be an actress." He teased and she giggled. She opened her purse and pulled out a small cotton jacket.

"When she shows up, hold that to my neck." She instructed Damon and he took it from her then pressed it against her neck and she winced. "She's not here yet." She complained and he smirked.

Restart (Caroline/Damon Fanfic) *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now