Chapter 21: Shaping Things To Come

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"So, you're not going to tell him that it was you who turned him?" Stefan queried.

"No." Damon denied.

"Why?" Elena tested.

"Because the reason he came to Mystic Falls is to hunt me down and kill me." Damon explained and they looked highly confused - Stefan knew his brother, and he had no idea why Damon would allow someone who wanted to kill him to live... let alone end up friends with the guy.

"But if he wants to kill you, how could he be your best friend?" Elena asked confused echoing Stefan's thoughts.

"Two years ago, a woman found me knowing who I was because John Gilbert sent her to me." Damon started and they both looked shocked. "She begged me to turn her, so I did. Alaric caught me draining her since that's not a painful death either and he thinks I just killed her." Damon explained. "I didn't know that she was married though." He said in afterthought.

"Who's the woman?" Elena examined nosily.

"Her name is Isobel." Damon answered. "She's your biological mother." He added and Stefan's eyes widened because he knew that Elena was adopted.

"What are you talking about? My mother's name was Miranda." Elena countered and Damon nodded.

"Miranda and Grayson adopted you from Isobel and John Gilbert because they were having a hard time having a baby." Damon enlightened and Elena gasped in shock.

"No. No, that's not possible." Elena refuted in disbelief.

"There's no record of your mother ever being pregnant." Stefan said sympathetically and her eyes watered. Caroline's phone rang then and Stefan took it out and saw Elena's name on the screen. "I'm guessing that she's calling for you." Stefan told her caringly and Elena shakily took the phone.

"Hello?" She answered with a sniff.

"I know that it's hard. But it's true." Future-Elena confirmed sadly and past-Elena's eyes closed.

"But how can that be?" Elena sobbed.

"John knocked Isobel up accidentally when she was fifteen. She had me, or us I guess, at sixteen. Dad delivered her baby then she left us with Mom and Dad because she knew that they could give us a good life when she couldn't. Don't be angry or hurt. They're still our Mom and Dad and they loved us more than anything. Don't be mad at Jenna either, Mom and Dad were going to tell us, they just never got the chance. When you meet Alaric, care for him because he's special and amazing and one of the best people in the world. Don't be mad at Damon for turning you, it was my decision. You were too dangerous to be kept human." Elena explained.

"But who am I a doppelganger of?" Elena probed and Damon and Stefan glanced at each other.

"Uh... A woman called Tatia that was used in the spell to bind Klaus' werewolf side so that he wouldn't be a hybrid." Future-Elena responded surprising Stefan and Damon that she clearly didn't want her past-self to know about Katherine yet.

"Okay." Elena accepted. "Wait - Stefan? How did you know that I was adopted?"

"Stefan was looking through records to see if anyone would recognise him before he re-joined society in Mystic Falls. He came across it because he knew some Gilberts back in the day." Elena deflected and Stefan looked surprised as obviously future-Elena knew the real reason.

"Oh. That makes sense." Elena believed.

"How's Care?" Future-Elena asked concerned.

"Her heart's beating faster. She'll probably wake up any minute." Damon answered.

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