Chapter 29: Decisions

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On the Monday morning before school, Stefan and Elena went up to Caroline in the hall looking confused.

"Where were you all weekend?" Stefan queried and Caroline looked surprised.

"Damon didn't tell you?" She asked muddled and they shook their heads just as she closed her locker. "He broke up with me." She stated then turned on her heel and walked away from them down the hall and their jaws fell open in shock and disbelief


"You dumped Caroline?" Elena gasped at Damon in incredulity and he looked highly confused.

"No." Damon denied.

"She seems to think so." Stefan countered and Damon frowned.


Caroline was walking up to her door that afternoon when Damon appeared in front of her and she cocked an eyebrow at him.

"What do you want?" She asked calmly and he blinked in surprise.

"I didn't break up with you." Damon answered like she was nuts and she shrugged then walked around him to the door.

"Seemed like it." Caroline quipped and he frowned.

"I'm just a little hurt that you lied. I was just… sulking." Damon muttered.

"No, it gave me a reality check." Caroline stated as she unlocked the door. "I'm here for the mission and that's what I need to focus on since I'll be going back to the future in a few weeks." She added flatly – giving him no emotion at all.

"What?" Damon asked in disbelief that she wouldn't even considerstaying as she opened the door then turned to face him.

"You know, Katherine fucks your brother in between fucking you and everyone else in the town and you wait 145 years for her. I tell one lie to protect myself and you've lost complete trust in me?" She asked like it was insane. "Go fuck yourself Damon because I'm done with you." She declared then walked into the house and slammed then locked the door and Damon gaped at the door in shock that she said that.

He knocked and called for her to open the door but she ignored him so he eventually left to go try to convince Bonnie to talk her into talking to him. Caroline just went into her room and started on her homework for the day. She'd been sitting there for a couple of minutes when her phone rang. She saw that it was Damon but she had a feeling that it wasn't that time's Damon, so she answered.

"You deaf or something?" Caroline muttered.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told my past-self that." Future Damon apologised and she shrugged even though he didn't see.

"I don't understand you. Why bother telling me to play along and telling me you love me if you just wanted to fuck it up?" Caroline asked.

"That wasn't my intention." Damon interjected. "I just… want you to stay in the past and I thought that if my past-self knew that you could, he'd convince you." He admitted.

"What? Why?" Caroline questioned confused.

"You know I love you, Caroline. If you stay in the past then will get to be with you, not just my past-self." Damon answered and she considered that.

"You weren't trying to break us up?" She queried confused as she'd been sure that was why future Damon told his past-self that.

"No, of course not." Damon replied like she was ridiculous.

"I'm not getting back together with your past-self." She stated.

"What? Just over this?" He asked shocked.

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