Chapter 6: Spectacle

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Caroline stood there in shorts and a tank top and Damon was just in shorts. Stefan and Zack watched Damon grab her from behind then she elbowed him in the side, grabbed his arm bent a little and flipped him over her back onto the ground, he landed with a thud on his back then sprung back up to his feet in a blink with a chuckle.

"Well done, princess." He smirked and she grinned. "You don't need fighting training." He pointed out.

"Maybe I just like it." She countered.

"I think you just wanted to see me with my shirt off." He teased and she laughed.

"Get over yourself, man whore." She teased back and he laughed. Zack and Stefan were gaping at each other in disbelief that Damon was behaving this way and with a human no less. "Again." She cheered and he smirked then grabbed her from the front so that their faces were inches apart - he fully intended to kiss her...

"How you getting out of this one?" He purred... then she smirked at him deviously, moved her hands and tickled his sides and he flinched back and laughed in disbelief that that actually worked and that she actuallydid that. "I can't believe you tickled me!" He exclaimed laughing and she giggled. Stefan and Zack were sure they'd died of shock - Zack hadnever seen Damon behave that way.

"When a human is faced with a vampire they have to use every advantage." She teased and he snickered.

"Damon?" Stefan asked confused then Damon snapped his head in that direction and Caroline looked too. It was very obvious that Damon had been so distracted by her that he hadn't heard the others and he was surprised that they'd gotten that close without him hearing it.

"Hi, Stefan. Hi, Zack." Caroline smiled.

"Hello, Caroline. What are you doing here?" Zack tested her confused.

"Just kicking Damon's ass." Caroline quipped and Damon cracked a snigger at the blunt blonde while they looked really surprised that she would say that in front of Damon.

"What happened to your neck?" Zack asked her worriedly, assuming that she was Damon's new snack.

"Do you remember Ben the football star who graduated four years ago?" Caroline asked and he nodded. "He turned into a vampire and he bit me last night." She revealed surprising Zack that she knew about vampires - also, that it wasn't Damon who bit her. He was really shocked that the daughter of a council member would hang out with a vampire willinglyand look so happy to do so.

"No, it wasn't me." Damon added dryly.

"Nobody said it was you. Chill out." Caroline smirked and he chuckled. Zack and Stefan were shocked that she said that to Damon, knowing that he never took being told what to do well. "So, Damon's doing fighting training with me." She supplemented and they both nodded still with sceptical looks on their faces. Damon was starting to feel all the fun draining with the arrival of the other two.

"Now that the buzz-kills are home, think we're done for the day." Damon stated mildly irritated and she shrugged.

"Alright." She agreed, understanding why Damon was closing off. "I'll go grab my bag." She said and he gave her a nod as he grabbed his t-shirt and pulled it on while she ducked into the house to grab her bag. She came back out with her hand bag seconds later and slung it on her shoulder.

"I'm just going to go change." Damon said to her and she nodded.

"Okay, I'll head over to the car." She agreed then he disappeared into the house and she walked towards Stefan and Zack who were still standing at the side of the house. "Nice to see you both." Caroline acknowledged with a smile and a wave then walked past them and headed towards Damon's car. Just before she got to the car, Stefan appeared in front of her. "What's up?" She probed and he stared at her confused for the fact that she didn't even flinch at his sudden appearance.

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