Chapter 17: Former Future Lover

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Caroline was paired up with Tyler in her last class of the day on Tuesday afternoon. She'd accidentally slipped up and talked about things that she knew he liked, just because she kind of wanted to be his friend, despite the fact that he was going out with Vicki and still taking drugs. At first, Tyler seemed to be kind of bored, sure, he liked Caroline but it was just Caroline, so it was no big deal... Then they started properly talking and it was obvious after a short while that Tyler was really enjoying her company. Caroline had forgotten how easy he was to talk to.

After class, they walked out of the building together slowly as people still thought that Caroline had her wound. When they got out of the building, Tyler asked her if she wanted to go get a Grill burger with him - she couldn't stop herself from saying yes, so instead of getting a ride with Bonnie, she got into Tyler's car, which visibly surprised a lot of people who'd been watching.

They sat in a booth when they got there and continued chatting and laughing as they ordered drinks and food. Damon had been wondering where she was, so when he happened to walk past the Grill later that evening and saw Caroline at the table with Tyler, he felt his heart sink a little when he saw the huge grin on her face. But, instead of going in to say hello, he went back to the boarding house to sulk.


Damon poured himself a large drink and disappeared into the library because he needed some time alone. She was cultivating a relationship with Tyler and he felt a little desolate at the thought because he knew that she'd felt for Tyler and he wondered if it was Tyler that she really wanted. His feelings for her kept deepening every time Caroline spent time with his past-self and he didn't know what to do about it.

Because of the new time line, his feelings for Elena were non-existent. He was happy for that because unlike his past-self who didn't care about Elena at all, he now only cared about her as a friend. He didn't see her in a romantic way at all anymore.

No, his thoughts were now consumed with blonde hair, creamy skin and sapphire blue eyes. His past-self couldn't keep her off of his mind and neither could he. She was so interesting and fun and sexy and wonderful... He felt like such an idiot for not seeing it sooner.

He only felt worse because he knew that Caroline thought that she'd come back to the future and he'd still be a dick to her. He wanted to tell her that he wouldn't be. That he'd do anything to make his dreadful past behaviour up to her. That he wanted her so badly.

Damon wanted to explain that his past-self was him. He wanted to tell her that every feeling that his past-self had, he had too. He couldn't wait for her to get back to the future because he was going to do his best to prove to her that he meant it, that he wanted her, that he'd do anything for her...

Damon wanted to tell her that just like his past-self, he already loved her.


Caroline was getting ready for bed that night when Damon hopped through her window.

"Hey." She greeted with a smile then kissed him.

"Going to bed?" Damon queried and she nodded.

"You want to stay?" Caroline invited surprising him a tiny bit as he hadn't stayed overnight with her at her house before.

"Alright." Damon agreed. Caroline pulled her pyjamas on and Damon stripped down to his boxers then they climbed into the bed. Once they were under the covers, Caroline put off her bedside lamp then Damon half rolled on top of her and looked down at her beautiful face. "What did you do today?" He inquired and she shot him an amused look - she gathered that he clearly knew that she'd hung out with Tyler. She thought that it was kind of funny that he was trying to act all cool and calm, like he wasn't bothered, when it was obvious that he was. Caroline thought that it might be funny to mess with him a little.

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