Chapter 2: Meeting Damon

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Caroline was sitting at lunch in school the following day and she was seriously pissed. Tyler was back to the 'junkie screwing Vicki' version. She and Matt weren't friends at all. Bonnie and Elena thought that she was an idiot airhead - how did she ever think that she'd been happy before being a vampire?

"What do you think, Care? You haven't made a comment yet, much to everyone's surprise." Elena remarked.

"About what?" Caroline tested.

"The new guy. He's gorgeous." Bonnie answered - Caroline wanted to laugh, she was so going to tease Bonnie for that one later.

"Uh... yeah, I guess if you like that broody look. Not my type at all." Caroline observed surprising both of them so much that they glanced at each other confused at Caroline's complete lack of attraction to him.

"You okay, Care?" Bonnie examined.

"Fine, fine. Nothing to worry about." Caroline smiled brightly.


Stefan, Elena, Bonnie and Damon were sitting in the boarding house and both girls laughed at the same time.

"What?" Damon asked confused by their sudden matching reactions.

"Care's already changing things." Bonnie noted with amusement.

"Like what?" Stefan asked.

"On the first day of school, Caroline thought that you were hot until she got a look at Damon... but this time she just said, 'I guess if you like that broody look'." Bonnie repeated tickled and Elena and Damon laughed while Stefan rolled his eyes. Damon hadn't known that she'd lost all interest in Stefan at the sight of him - that was kind of... interesting.


After school, Caroline hurried over to the Lockwood house with her mother's heirloom. Mrs Lockwood let her into the viewing room and Caroline set it down then quickly fished out the crystal that Damon had left in the box, so that he wouldn't get it this time. Then she darted back over to Sheila's house and handed it over to her for safe keeping. Sheila promised not to give it to Bonnie and did in fact destroy the crystal then Caroline hurried home to get ready for the evening.

She went to the party, socialised, tried to be her old self - but only to an extent because that person really annoyed her - then spotted Stefan standing by himself. So, she decided to go make friends with him because she figured that he could use an ally. She walked right up to him and gave him a friendly smile.

"Hey, Stefan. I'm Caroline. Welcome to Mystic Falls." She greeted and he gave her a polite smile in return - she figured that he thought that she was coming on to him... She was totally going to tease future Stefan for being so up himself.

"Nice to meet you, Caroline." Stefan greeted back.

"I noticed you talking to Elena earlier." Caroline mentioned.

"Yeah, she seems like a nice girl." Stefan confirmed.

"She is. She's great. Want a couple of pointers?" Caroline smiled and he looked visibly surprised at her offer.

"You would do that?" He asked curiously.

"She's my best friend and I want her to be happy and you seem like a nice guy. She's been through a lot." Caroline agreed and he nodded.

"Thank you." He said sincerely.


Stefan laughed and the other three looked at him.

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