Chapter 25: My Way Or The Highway

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Less than five minutes later, Damon's phone rang and he pulled over to the side of the highway and hopped out of his car because he didn't want Bonnie to hear the conversation.

"Caroline?" He answered the phone. He could hear the wind in the background, so clearly she'd gotten out of her car too.

"Damon? What are you doing? Go home." Caroline directed.

"No." He fumed. "I won't let you do this. I'll find you before you do." He cautioned and she sighed.

"This isn't something that you 'let' me do, Damon… this is something that I have to do. You might not care about making sure that everyone's safe, but I do." She replied softly.

"I only care that you're safe!" Damon exclaimed as he paced back and forth.

"I know and I love you for that but…"

"If you love me, you won't do this." Damon cut her off hoping that it would work.

"Two can play at that game, Damon. If you love me, you won't go on a rampage because then those deaths will be on my conscience." She countered and he scowled at nothing in particular because he couldn't kill people now because he wouldn't do that to her.

"Why, Caroline? You could die. Do you really trust that Sheila fucking Bennett is going to pour vampire blood down your throat when I know for a fact that she thinks people should die rather than become vampires?" He exclaimed as he still paced furiously.

"She promised." Caroline responded quietly.

"And Emily promised me that Katherine was in the tomb. Witches lie, Caroline." Damon retorted.

"Damon… she's not going to betray me… just go home. Stay safe. I need you to be safe." She pleaded and he felt tears well in his eyes – how could she ask that of him when she wouldn't do the same?

"How am I supposed to just accept this?" He asked her emotionally, his anger replaced with hurt. "I love you so much. I can't just go home when you could die. You're my whole world already." He revealed and it was obvious that he was upset and he heard her sob.

"I love you so much too. I'm not trying to hurt you. But you didn't live in my time. You didn't see all of the chaos that Klaus caused. You didn't see all of the hurt and devastation that happened because of him. I feel like it's an honour being the one who can stop him because he needs to be stopped. I want to do it. I… just this once I want to be the one that helps everyone." She admitted quietly and he felt his tears well.

"Please don't do this to me." Damon begged and she sobbed.

"I'm not going to die. I'm not going anywhere. Sheila's going to try to restart my heart as soon as it stops so that you can still turn me." She promised.

"Then stop the car and wait for me. If you're so hell bent on this… let me at least be there. Then if Sheila can't start your heart, I can run you to a hospital in seconds and get a defibrillator to start your heart again." Damon optioned and she was quiet for a moment. "I'm not going to turn back, so you might as well wait for me because I can find you anyway." Damon added when she hadn't replied.

"This is important, Damon." Caroline implored.

"I won't stop you if you just let me be there." Damon stated. "If I'm there, I can help get your heart beating again. If I'm there, I can make sure that Sheila doesn't just decide that you aren't getting to be a vampire." He added. "Please, Caroline. Just wait for me." He pushed and she sighed.

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