Chapter 28: Lies

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"You were with an Original by yourself?" Damon exclaimed in disbelief and Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Right and exactly how would your presence have made a difference in a good way?" Caroline countered and he deadpanned at her while Stefan, Elena and Bonnie snickered. They were in the boarding house and Caroline had just explained everything that happened to them.

"Did you even drink vervain?" Damon asked annoyed and she looked surprised.

"No, I forgot." Caroline conceded and he scowled at her.

"Then how do you know that he didn't compel you?" Damon retorted.

"Compulsion feels different as a vampire. You know that you've been compelled." Caroline answered.

"Stefan didn't know." Damon pointed out.

"Yes, he did actually. He knew that something had been taken from him, he just didn't know what." Caroline countered.

"True." Stefan agreed.

"This isn't the point." Damon replied annoyed and Caroline sighed.

"Would you feel better if I drink vervain now?" She asked tiredly.

"Marginally." Damon muttered then fished out the vial from his pocket and handed it to her.

"Bottom's up." Caroline replied then drank the rest of the contents in it - shocking the three of them that she took so much. "Crap!" She gasped.

"What?" Damon asked concerned.

"I keep forgetting that I just turned." She answered... then fell back on the couch and passed out and they laughed loudly.

"She knocked herself out!" Stefan laughed in disbelief and Damon and Elena were full on shaking with laughter.

"She's so funny." Bonnie giggled.


The four of them were in stitches laughing.

"I can't believe that just happened." Damon laughed - his little ditsy blonde was just so funny.


Caroline, Elena, Stefan and Bonnie were sitting in their history class on the Friday afternoon waiting for their substitute teacher - when in walked Alaric Saltzman. Caroline couldn't help a smile on her face at the sight of him alive... though, she was marginally confused as he hadn't shown up until after Halloween last time. She figured that Damon's jealous hunting the week earlier prompted Alaric's early visit. She, however, wanted to get the talk with Ric out of the way as soon as possible.


"Ric just showed up in the class." Elena told Damon who looked surprised.

"Wonder why he's so early." Stefan commented.

"Must have been the animal attacks the week before." Bonnie remarked and Damon instantly knew that when his past-self had been jealous over Stefan's crush, he'd killed and figured that was what it was about. "Wait a minute." Bonnie looked at Damon suspiciously.

"Obviously it was me. Move on." Damon directed and she scowled at him while Stefan and Elena looked surprised as their past-selves didn't know that.


After class, it was the end of the school day, so Caroline took her time to get her stuff packed and motioned to the others to go and they figured that she wanted to talk to Ric, so they left her to it.

"Do you need some help, Caroline?" Alaric offered kindly - he'd already heard about the gunshot.

"I was actually wondering if I could talk to you about something." Caroline replied and he nodded then took the seat across from her.

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