He had me sit up while he injected me with numbing medicine, then laid me back down so the medicine had time to work while he put an IV in my arm and got everything ready with the help of a few nurses.

They put up a curtain so I couldn't see over my stomach.

I don't remember much, just feeling really tired and holding onto Enzo's hand the whole time while they cut me open and removed my premature baby.

I remember everything when they pulled my baby out though. The nurses took him away to clean him, at least I thought.

As Dr. Mettio stitched everything up I couldn't help but notice my baby didn't once cry as they cleaned him and he was never brought to me.

Dr. Mettio noticed too and walked over to the nurses after finishing the stitches and sutures.

They went into another room with my baby and I could feel the tears form in my eyes as I looked up at Enzo. I knew they would have to clean him but I don't think they usually have to take them to another room.

I squeezed Enzo's hand and a nurse walked back in quickly, "You're baby boy has been born with underdeveloped lungs and needs help breathing."

"Will he be okay?" I asked

"Yes, baby. Dr. Mettio is taking good care of him. But I'm afraid you won't be able to hold him for a while." She offered a sad smile, "Dr. Mettio will be with you shortly." She added and walked out.

"I didn't even get to see him." I cried.

Enzo knelt down beside me and kissed my cheek, "It's going to be okay," he reassured, "Dr. Mettio is taking very good care of him."

I nodded. Enzo continued to distract me until Dr. Mettio came through the door, "Liam, Enzo-"

"Is my baby okay?" I asked.

"Yes, he is fine. But unfortunately with his undeveloped lungs he needs to be breathing through a tube for a while and getting the nutrients he needs with some help as he was born prematurely."

"When can I see him?" I asked.

"Liam, you need to rest right now, I'm going to give you some pain medicine that will help you rest. When you wake up I will let you see him." He informed me then injected something into my IV.

Enzo planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Enzo, if you follow me I will let you see your baby boy." He said and Enzo smiled back at me before following him out.

It didn't take long for me to fall into a deep sleep.


Dr. Mettio led me to a room where our beautiful baby boy laid, sleeping, in a bed in a glass box. There was a tube going to his nose and another one in his small pale, almost transparent arm.

His stomach slowly went up and down with each aided breath.

"How big is he?" I asked putting my hand up to the glass.

"Four pounds, two ounces and sixteen inches long." He informed and I felt a smile pull on my lips.

"You know, you can touch him through this hole. Not for very long though." He said and pointed to a door in the glass.

I sat down in the chair and opened the door, sliding my hand in and taking his small hand in between my index finger and thumb. He was precious. 

I looked over at Dr. Mettio, "What are the extra tubes and wires for?" I asked, pulling my hand out after I softly ran my finger down my little ones face, making him turn his head in his sleep.

My Mafia Husband {ManxBoy} [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now