Chapter Thirteen

Começar do início

“That took place in Texas…” Jenny said rolling her eyes.

“Plus that’s like over a thousand miles away.” I replied smirking.

“Still, the teenagers had no AC, they ran into a hitch hiker, and then they all died.”

“But there was five of them, there’s four of us, and there’s no hitchhikers.” Jenny said changing her posture.

Austin threw her a glare and his fingers flew across the keypad. I smiled and looked back on the road and saw my turn off. I flipped on the turn signal and turned right on to the clay dirt road. There was no trees, there was no fancy houses, there was no power lines, which Austin noticed quickly.

“Where the Internet go?!?”

Jenny gave Austin an irritated look and turned his head to look out the window. “For someone so smart, you would figure you would notice the missing power lines.”

“Shut up Jenny!” Austin leaned forward and tapped on my shoulder. “Becky I need the internet, I gotta finish up some work with the Alphas.”

“Cheveyo is against technology and the ‘new ways’.”

“Well tell him it’s for Alpha business.” Austin countered.

“And he’ll tell me to use my mind link, the man ain’t dumb Austin.”

Austin leaned back with a thud and mumbled. “What’s so special about this old fart…”

Jenny glared and punched his shoulder. “You will respect him!”

“Owe! Jenny what was that---” Austin screamed as he rubbed his arm.

Rachel leaned up and yawned. “Cheveyo is one of the oldest werewolves in the world.”

“And he’s been helping my family since my great-great- grandmother was Queen.” I said parking the SUV.

Everyone got out and we all took in the view. Nothing had really changed since the last time I had been here. The dirt was still red and hard, just like harden clay. The clouds were small and thin and the sun had no problem shining through. There were a few dried out and shriveled bushes scattered around all the land, and in the distance was a mountain range that stretched on and on for miles.

“There are…no houses.” Jenny said confused. “Does Cheveyo not live in a home?”

I nodded, “He does, it’s right there.” I pointed in front of Rachel –who was stretching- and there was a small clay brick home with craved out windows, no doors, no electricity, and no running water. It was a simple home with no advance in technology.

We all heard Austin’s gulp. “Oh boy…”

“Is there something wrong, young one?” An old fragile voice asked from behind Austin.

Austin jumped up and ran and hid behind me. Standing there was Cheveyo.

The wise man had his wrinkled hands clasped on the top of his hollowed out cane as his long silver hair was split in half and braided on each side, lying against his shoulders. The age lines were a bit darker, and heavier. There was three stretching across his forehead, some pulling down at the corners of his mouth, and a few on the outer corner of his eyes. But even with his age lines and the noticeable signs of age, you could still see his bright green eyes sparkle with amusement and adventure.

His sun tanned skin was dark compared to ours, as his posture spoke for itself. His spine was no longer straight; instead it held a curve shape. His skin was no longer tight; instead it drooped. But yet, hidden under his skin was the muscles of a twenty-three year old.

My smile stretched as I lowered myself, and bowed before him. Rachel and Jenny quickly followed behind as Austin, well Austin was still scared.

“Rise my child.” He said calmly.

We rose and he was smiling. “I see you brought a human and a half.”

I nodded. “Yes Cheveyo. Jennifer is my Beta and Austin is my go to guy for technology.”

Cheveyo shook his head and started walking to his house signaling us to follow. “That technology stuff is a waste; there are so many more ways to communicate then through some box.”

I gave a smile to Austin, who looked grim and was following a few shy steps behind me. Once inside, we all noticed how cool the home was. How everything was made by his hands, food was grown by him, and the feeling, was comfort.

He led us through his home and out to the back yard where an old well was placed across from a very rich, and flourish garden. Looking pass the garden, was an image that I could never forget.

Behind the garden was a ring of hay bales. I remember me and my brothers wrestling each other and mastering our fighting skills. And at the same time every night, Cheveyo would gather us around a brush pile and as the fragile wood burned, we was told old folk tells about life and also about our past ancestors.  

Cheveyo sat down on one of the bales and leaned against his cane, he looked us all up and down and stopped at Rachel first. He stared at her shoes and cocked one of his eyebrows.

“Can you run in those?” His voice cracked a little as he wiped his forehead.

“Do you…my heels? Yeah,” she replied.

Show some respect, say yes sir, I thought to her while casting a glare her way.

“I mean…yes sir.” She corrected.

Cheveyo cocked both his eyes and chuckled. “My child just cause The Queen tells you to say yes sir or no sir doesn’t mean you do it. Besides, I’m like a young stallion.”

Jenny and Rachel both smiled as Austin started to loosen up a bit. Cheveyo gave me a small smile as he stood up and took a deep breathe.

“Let me see you run in those Jones.”

Rachel gave me a look and then looked back at Cheveyo who was still waiting for her. As she was about to run Cheveyo stopped her. He shook his head and walked up to her.

“Child, take those silly contraptions off.” He said as he turned his back and started walking back to his seat.

With that the training had begun.

AnimalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora