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Mickey Mouse was passed out on Clarabelle's floor, a bottle of vodka in his hand. She hovered over him, admiring him, every inch of his perfect face. She only wished to see his eyes. You can see more through the eyes, she knew, and she wanted all of Mickey Mouse.
It was then a new poem sprung into her head:

You only show me your bad side
I've never seen a tear in your eye
Why do you always hide?
Only I know the good in you hasn't died.

You've got a pokerface like hell
Why won't you let me in?
You make my heart and eyes swell
But all you ever do is sin.

Why do I love you like this?
All I know is your eyelids.
Why do you keep me in your palm?
I know you're not one of the bad kids.

Her heart hurt. She wrote it down in a new book-all the others were filled.
She smiled to herself. She went on to cut a small lock of Mickey's fur to glue to the page.

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