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Minnie Mouse, wearing all black, walked into the clinic a few cities away. She wore a big hat and gloves and stockings, everything so that she'd be unrecognizable.
"Hello ma'am, how may I help you?" said the woman at the counter.
Minnie kept her head down. Quietly, she said, "An appointment with Dr. Jones for Minnie Mouse?"
The woman looked stunned. "Oh, yes, of course," she stammered. "Right in that door."
Minnie hurried inside. She sat down in a chair behind the closed door and looked around at the posters of babies and pregnant women. She felt sick to her stomach.
It didn't take long for the doctor to come in.
Finally. She could take her disguise off.
"Ah, Minnie," said Dr. Jones. "Nice to see you again."
"You too, doctor."
She took off her hat and sunglasses and melted into Dr. Jones' lips, grabbing him all over. She stood over him while he sat in his swivel chair. He let out a satisfied breath as she tilted his head back.
"But really," she said, going back to her seat. "I have a problem."
"You do?" said Dr. Jones, surprised. He was disappointed, she could tell, that she didn't continue.
"Yes." She exhaled. "In the past eight months, I have been with about five different men. And, well...as I found out a few days ago...I seem to be pregnant."
The doctor's shock was very clear.
"And obviously, I don't know who the father is. Could you help me?"
He smiled. "Of course I can, Minnie," he said. "As long as you give me something in return."
"You mean you can find the father before it's born? How?"
"Well...it'll need to be from ten to twelve weeks. And it includes a nee - "
"Don't say it," said Minnie. "I'll wait. Thank you for your time, Dr. Jones. I'll see you in nine weeks."

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