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"Daisy?" called Donald up the stairs.
"Yes, honey?"
"I'm going to go to Goofy's. He's having some friends over for beers."
"Alright, bye! Be safe," she said. He left the house and drove straight to Goofy's mansion, nervous. It was their anniversary. He'd gotten a text from Goofy that morning telling him to come at five.
Once he got there he rang the doorbell, breathing heavily. Goofy answered the door and smiled a big happy smile. "Come on in," he said in his voice.
"Wow," said Donald, "this looks very nice."
Goofy's house was covered in balloons and there was a beautiful perch dinner on the coffee table.
"Just for you, baby," he said, giving him a slight massage as he walked up from behind him. "Wait till you see the bathroom."
Donald took a seat on the couch as Goofy handed him his plate and lit a candle on the table.
"This is delicious," said Donald.
"It's made with love."
Goofy took Donald's face in his hands and kissed him passionately. Donald pulled away and smiled lovingly at his lover, continuing to eat.
A few minutes later he felt something cold and hard in his food. He pulled it out of his mouth and what he saw silenced him, he was so in shock. So speechless.
"Don't you like it?" asked Goofy, both of them staring at the huge diamond ring.
"Goofy, I...can't," Donald managed to say. "I...I'm married to Daisy."
"I know, but...I thought...maybe you could..."
"Goofy, I can't do that. You know how much I love Daisy."
"But you don't love her in a wife way, do you? So what's the big deal?"
Donald shifted uneasily. "If I divorced her, I would lose her forever...and imagine what the tabloids would say! What the fans would think! We'd have to quit the show!"
Goofy took Donald's hands. "Donald, is quitting the show really so bad when you can spend the rest of your life with your true love?"
"I guess...no," he said. He nodded. "I'll tell Daisy. I'll tell her, and we'll keep it as quiet as we can. She's a good duck, she'll understand, won't she? She'll be heartbroken but she'll understand. Maybe, if we're lucky, we can pose as husband and wife."
Goofy nodded. "And we can finally be together."
Donald smiled uncontrollably. "I do," he said, giggling.
They finished dinner and Goofy lead Donald to the bathroom, where he had a bubble bath covered in rose petals, a bottle of wine, and many little candles all around. They slipped their clothes off and dipped into the warm water. Goofy poured each of them a glass of wine. Donald glided in the water on top of Goofy's chest and rested his duck head on it.
"I love you, baby," he whispered.
"I love you too."
Goofy took a sip of his wine and Donald slapped the glass out of his hand, into the tub, diving into his lips. Their tongues tangled, they rolled around in the bathtub, Donald's one hand on Goofy's face and the other on his hip. "Hotdog," Goofy moaned as Donald grabbed him sensually. "Hot-diggity-dog!"

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