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It was almost 5a.m. when Max threw his bag over his shoulder and slid out the window and down the side of the house. He silently thanked God for the pillars.
He hopped into his dad's oldest, ugliest, least favourite car in the back driveway with keys he stole, and started on his way to the Mouse Mansion.
The house was bigger than his, but he managed to climb up to the third floor thanks to pillars, ledges, and balconies, and pulled himself in through the window. He was relieved to see that Mickey's car wasn't there. He found what he remembered to be the master bedroom and softly opened the door. To his surprise, Minnie sat awake on the bed, staring at the ground. She looked up shocked when Max stepped inside.
She tried to speak but couldn't. There was so much shock and a hint of terror in her eyes. Finally, she stammered, "Max," and stood up.
He walked towards her and kissed her gently on the cheek. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you," he said. "How wonderful you are. How worried I am for you. I know you want me to stay away, but I truly can't."
She shook her head. "Max, you're so young. You have so much potential. You can't waste your life on someone like me."
"There's no one I'd rather do it with."
A tear fell down her cheek. "I'm a heathen. You're such an angel. I haven't felt love like this in so long."
"So why let it go to waste? We could be together. We could run away together, and leave everything behind. Just you and me."
"Oh, God, Max," she whined. "You haven't even started college yet. And either way...it wouldn't be just you and me."
Max looked genuinely confused. "What?"
"Max, I'm pregnant."
His eyes were wide. He almost gasped. Could it be his? He felt himself on the brink of panic. "Minnie," he said, trying to smile, "that's wonderful."
"It's not wonderful. It could be yours. It could be Mickey's, or Pete's, or Bugs Bunny's..."
"Bugs Bunny?"
"Anyway, whatever happens, you need to stay away. You are so young, Max. I can't contaminate your young, good soul. Please, do it for you."
"I won't."
"Are you taking a paternity test?"
"In a few weeks."
"Let me know the results. I will not leave you. I know it's stupid, but you're...everything, Minnie. You changed my life so much. I truly love you, and I can't just abandon you. I don't care if I'm a father or if I'm not. You need me by your side, and I need you. Please let me stay. I would do anything for you." He sighed. "I'm so lame."
Minnie touched his face, marvelling at his perfect features. The day they met ran back over her mind. She exhaled and saw her breath the house was so cold. "You're not," she said. "You're perfect." She smiled sadly. After all she'd gone through, she'd still earned the love of someone so pure, so beautiful and innocent. What did I do to deserve this? she asked herself.
Max leaned in to kiss her, but she stopped him by placing a hand on his chest.
"You have to go," she said. "For now."
He did.

Clubhouse - a Mickey Mouse storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora