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Minnie woke up on top of Mickey on a messy bed on Friday afternoon, both of them hungover. Because she was a sick whore, the first thing she thought when she woke up was that she had to call Daisy.
"Hello?" Daisy answered the phone. She sounded tired.
"Hey, Dais," she said, twirling the cord. "I'm so sorry, I heard about you and Donald."
"You heard?"
"I know. Word travels fast. I guess Goofy couldn't keep his mouth shut and told Mickey this morning," Minnie lied.
"Oh. I hope it stays between all of us." Daisy sniffled.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Minnie shook her head. "Of course you aren't, Daisy, don't lie to me. I'm your best friend. You can tell me anything." It was quiet. "What do you say I take you to the pier and we get some ice cream? We'll have a good time. Who needs boys?"
"Well, Minnie," said Daisy, "imagine Mickey left you for a man."
A tiny smile formed on Minnie's lips.
Daisy sighed. "Alright, I'll go. Only because I miss you and...I'm not doing myself any good here."
"Okay. I'll pick you up in twenty minutes."

Daisy looked horrible once Minnie got to her house. She had giant bags under her eyes and her mascara was clumpy, her eyeshadow creased. It's only been a day! thought Minnie.
"Hey there," she said as happily as she could.
"Hi," said Daisy, sliding into the passenger seat. Her eyelids were heavy and her frown never seemed to go away.
Minnie looked at her sadly as she drove to the pier. "Are you okay?"
Daisy bat her lashes robotically and a fake smile appeared on her mouth. "Of course I am."
All of the Clubhouse women were masters of disguise.

Clubhouse - a Mickey Mouse storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz