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"Show's over, everyone go home," said Mickey, waving the cameramen out of the house.
"Bye, Mickey," said Goofy. "See you again soon." Pete winked at Minnie as they walked out.
Mickey slammed the door as soon as everyone was out of his house. Then he locked it and pushed Minnie to the ground.
"What the fuck?" she yelled.
"Stop screwing up your lines. It wastes my time."
"I'm sick of you wasting my time!" she marched upstairs. "I'm going to bed. You're on the couch tonight."
"You don't tell me where I sleep!" shouted Mickey.
"But I can lock the doors."
"You wouldn't dare. I can kick them down anyway."
"You? Kick down a door?" she laughed. "I don't believe it. I'd like to see you try."
"You're asking for it, Minnie."
She took off one of her shoes and chucked it at his face.
"Ow!" he screeched. "You little bitch! I'll kill you!"
She knew he wouldn't really - he was sober right now - but she was still scared, as much as she loved the thrill. Panicking and smiling she locked herself in their bedroom and hid at the back of the closet. She clutched a phone to her chest. She'd call 911 if she needed to.
But nothing ever happened. He didn't kick down the door or even yell her name. She looked out the window and his car wasn't in the driveway. She didn't know where he went but she was happy he was gone.
Part of her hoped he never came back.

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