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Hey! So...another update! Happiness! This chapter's decent. It's slightly longer for you guys, because I love you all for being amazing readers.

So...update tomorrow as well? Idk yet. You'll just have to see. c;

Gif of Ziam. >>>>


- Gabie :)


Liam's POV

I fell on the floor in pain. They've been doing this to me for the past half hour until I agreed to help them, which would be never.

I hope I survive through this.

My body was numb from the pain that was repeatedly sent through everywhere. My throat was closing up so I gasping for air now.

The pain would always leave a lingering pain in my chest so it hurt to breath and made my heart accelerate, feeling it beat faster and faster against my chest with every shock of pain.

I didn't know if that was suppose to happen but I'm sure my heart was going to explode soon if they decided to send any more pain.

"Liam, we've been doing this for almost half an hour now. Are you sure you don't want to help us? You could have everything you've always wanted," Stan said in a 'convincing' voice.

I tried to sit up but I quickly laid back down on the ground.

"I don't need every supernatural creature falling at my feet. I don't want to wipe out a species that didn't do anything wrong. I don't want all this power. I don't need this power," I told him the hundredth time.

Stan then ran up to me, grabbed me by the neck (like it wasn't hard enough for me to breath already), and held me against the wall.

"That is what they all say Liam, but you're in my custody now. You belong to me. I control you, and you're going to do what I tell you or else."

I scoffed. "I'd rather die than work for you."

He dropped me, and yes, it did hurt a little. "That can be arranged for you Liam. Unfortunately I need you alive. Let's see how much pain you body can take until you pass out, and die."

My eyes widened. Stan looked to Michael. I felt a bit of pain until we heard a loud crash coming from upstairs.

Zayn's POV (A little bit beforehand)

Louis, Harry, and I reached the palace I saw in my 'vision'. Josh was right. The place was around London, so it wasn't too much of a run.

We had stopped by an alleyway for a little bit and fed on some human so we'd have the strength to get out of here without being killed. We drained her completely of her blood and left her body in the alleyway so someone could find her later.

At that point I realized that the pain was close to gone. It was more powerful and painful earlier, but it was almost gone. I didn't know if it was the new blood in my system or if my vampire brain got used to it, but it was almost gone. Every now and then I get a pounding feeling in my head, but it didn't hurt too much. That meant that they were still hurting Liam.

We reached the place Liam was being kept. It looked like a mansion. There was a walkway to the door. The place was painted with a cream color with a few blood splatters. There was a green yard and a gate to the backyard to an even bigger yard. There were light, brown double doors that greeted us.

It was a little bit too human for a group of vampires that knew everything about every supernatural creature and basically wanted to rule over.

I stopped and turned back to them.

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