Chapter 18 : Realizations

Start from the beginning

Silence ensued. For the first time in days, the silence was comforting. Even his presence was comforting. And I let things be.

He didn't attempt to move closer or anything as such and I was grateful. Did he know that his presence was providing me comfort? If he did he would have left long since. Maybe he was keeping a watch for the other wolves. Whatever it was, it was a welcome diversion of thoughts.

The mark was almost part of my skin now, not hurting as much as it did before. But at times the swelling increased and the bruises returned, a sky of uncertain weather.

But near him, it became a part of me, as though it had been a part of me since the beginning.

Things were like this with him. At times resolved but at times in chaos. With Demetrius nothing was certain. Except for his hate towards pure bloods and whatever 'wrong' they had inflicted upon him.

His hatred was overwhelming. I had never seen an emotion as raw, and it made me wonder. No one can have that much of a misunderstanding to have such deep hatred. It made me want to learn more. And I decided I would.

My thoughts kept drifting, like solid clouds but gone when I was just about to comprehend them.


I knew she wasn't sleeping, it would take her a long time to be worn out enough to sleep. When she kept calm, I could feel her emotions physically without letting her know I was inside her head. I couldn't break through and read her mind exactly but her emotions came just as close.

Maybe the bond was cementing itself after all despite her denying it to merge with herself. If it was, my work would become easier.

When her breathing became slow and relaxed, I got out of bed. She was sleeping.

The windows were spilling silvery light into the room in slanting shafts.

I looked at her, curled up in a foetus-like position. Maybe it was time to take the easy approach with her. Starting now.

Third Person Narration

Alpha Mason Ares had let things run as deemed by the law. But days were slipping by and his daughter was not yet found. The duties of being a father called to him and made him feel such overwhelming guilt. What sort of father was he? He was allowing others to decide his daughter's fate while he sat with his hands neatly folded.

The eyes of that filthy rogue had not left his mind since that God forsaken day. The rogues had been wronged and history justified it but it did not justify why his Kathleen had to suffer.

No more. He would find his daughter even if it mean damning the laws of the purebloods. He had tried to approach The Elders but even before trying he knew it would be a lost cause. And he was proven right. The Elders only held their laws and reputation dear and that meant they would never allow his daughter to join their world again. Not if he could help it.

"Finn. In my office." He called his Beta via mind-link.

Within a few short minutes he stood with his Beta.

Finn looked at his Alpha. His leader looked worried, the lines of his face defined as if drawn by hand. He knew his Alpha was suffering but his aura of authority rang stronger than ever.

"I have a job for you Finn and I must ask you that you do it well and to the best of your ability." Mason paused then continued. "I have important work to attend to that I have neglected for far too long. I leave the pack in your hands in my absence."

Finn wasn't prepared for this. It wasn't his duty, it wasn't his place. He opened his mouth to protest but got cut off.

"Yes. I know your uncertainties which is why I assure you I have thought about this decision well. You think with a fair mind, you have excellent judgment and no enemy has passed our borders ever since you were made Beta Finn. I am leaving my pack in capable hands."

His Alpha was determined. Finn had gotten his orders.

"Thank you for having faith in me Alpha. I will not let you down." Finn bowed his head.

Mason nodded.

"Is this about your daughter?"

"It would be best if I do not answer any of your questions. People will come and ask about my absence and I need to be certain that they don't get answers. I will leave today."

Finn understood what he meant. His Alpha was going against The Elders and they had their means to get answers. If he didn't know anything, he couldn't tell anything.

Finn left.

Mason sat in his office for the remainder of the day. He would have to dig deep and ask for help where his kind never dared to go for the consequences were severe. If that rogue had the protection of magic then he would have to turn to magic as well.

It was his only hope now.

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