58. Free and Not Alone

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Here's my Christmas present to you all, for being the nicest, most lovely readers in the world! The final chapter (beside the epilogue) of Listen, Lucky. Enjoy!

And also, MERRY CHRISTMAS to those of you who celebrate it, and to the rest of you, HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY!


It was the obnoxious beeping that woke me up. It was the same sound over and over again in a pitch that was making my ears ring.

Then it dawned on me that I should be thankful to hear that obnoxious beeping, because it meant I was still alive.

I attempted to open my eyes, but they were heavy and it felt like lifting bricks. The thought of who I might see on the other side of my eyelids was far too tempting though.

"Oh god," I groaned, closing my eyes again as soon as I saw her.

"You're awake! Oh my god! She's awake!" Emma began screaming excitedly. "Oh my god, I can't believe you're awake, I'm so happy you're awake! I would squeeze you but they told me I'm not allowed to touch you because I get too excited and I would probably end up hurting you-"

"Okay, that's enough," my mother walked into the room and placed a hand over Emma's mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'll give you two some time," she sighed and walked out of the room sadly. She couldn't help herself though, and popped her head through the door again, "I love you," she grinned.

My mother walked over to me and took my hand in hers, she kissed it sweetly, with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so glad your safe my baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to protect you," she sniffled, tears gently rolling down her cheeks. I found it unimaginable that she would feel guilty about not being able to protect. After realising my own guilt had been holding me back for years I couldn't allow her to feel that way.

"Mom, don't apologise. There was nothing you could have done, besides I'm still here, aren't I?" I squeezed her hand, despite my depleting energy. She smiled at me, a tight-lipped smile as she continued fighting to hold back the tears.

Then a thought occurred me and I heard the beeping speed up as my heart rate picked up. "What happened to Will? Where is he?" I panicked, I had no idea what happened after I fell unconscious.

"He's fine honey, he's absolutely fine, just a few broken ribs he's getting sorted out at the moment. Bless that boy's soul, he saved your life," her smile widened, thinking about him. It seemed less of a pained smile this time. "He didn't leave you for a second, not till they had to rip him off of you to take you into surgery. The doctors said if he hadn't kept pressure on your wound you would have died from blood loss. You were literally inseparable for over an hour."

Inseparable. That seemed about right. If I wasn't so tired I would have remembered him telling me he loved me, but I was in no state to get myself worked up and excited. Instead, I drifted back into darkness.


When I woke up the second time I felt less groggy, although I could actually feel pain, which meant the morphine was wearing off, I didn't mind though, with the pain came greater clarity.

"Morning sleepy head," Willow smiled at me as my eyes flickered open. I was so glad to see her after thinking I would never see her again.

"Must be nice to lie in bed all day," I turned to my right and saw Brice smiling down at me.

"It's not," I chuckled, but it hurt and I winced.

"Here, the doctors said you should try and sit up," Brice adjusted the bed and propped up my pillows for me.

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