36. The Rehearsal

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Real Life - The Weeknd


"Will," I whispered, attempting to rouse the sleeping giant next to me.

Apparently he had stayed the night after our heart to heart. One minute we were talking and the next minute we had both fallen asleep.

That sounded so unlike me, I hardly ever just dropped off to sleep, it usually a took a few hours and a lot of concentration to switch off my brain.

And it was also weird that I slept soundly, not a single nightmare I could recall.

When you fall asleep, you are most vulnerable, but apparently with Will there I felt completely safe and protected.

I looked down at him, asleep and fragile and innocent. I took in each of his features. The stubble on his chin and chiselled jaw, his perfect, pink lips.

My eyes wandered down to his bare chest, at some point he had discarded his uncomfortable dress shirt, which I may or may not have noticed straining against his unbearably broad shoulders the night before.

I had never stared at his chest, well, not up close anyway. I noticed, with sadness, the small scars dotted across his chest. Some were circular, others were straight cuts.

Without thinking, I reached my hand out and touched one of his scars, tracing the raised bump.

I gasped when Will's hand shot up and grabbed my fingers. I looked up to his eyes, which looked mildly frightened. When he realised it was me, he let my hand go.

I went back to tracing his scars gently, feeling Will's chest rise and fall underneath my tender touch.

"Does this mean you're going to let me touch your scars one day?" He asked, not sounding serious, but I did consider it. The thought only horrified me slightly.

I was absentmindedly tracing the scars, still half asleep, when I heard noises coming from the hallway.

"Oh my god! You need to get out of my room!" I whisper-shouted, jumping up hurriedly, which was kind of awkward as I had to climb over him.

"You're not gonna kick me out like that are you? I thought you had a bit more class than that Lucky," he smirked, sitting up.

He stood up and walked towards me, that stupid smirk still plastered on his face. He towered above me as I practically drooled over his masculine body.

"Put your shirt on," I pushed the white fabric on his chest.

"Why? Do you find me distracting when I'm shirtless?" He grinned, stepping closer to me, he knew exactly how he was making me feel.

"None of those games this morning Memory. You need to leave out the window before my parents find you and threaten to kill you," I warned him, stepping aside.

"Knowing you really is dangerous for me," he teased, before pulling on his shirt. I just shook my head at him as he went to my window.

"I'll see you tomorrow Lucky," he grinned before letting himself out.


I felt unnaturally tired when I woke up for school on Monday, without Will there it felt impossible to sleep again. Having him spend the night only reminded me of what I was missing with a good night's sleep.

"What happened to you on Friday night? Valentina said you left with some guy," Emma raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"My brother's friend offered me a ride home and I accepted, that's all," I told her sternly.

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