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In For The Kill - La Roux

"Would you look at that, I don't think the police station has ever made that many arrests before" my father pointed at the television screen, broadcasting the morning news.

The main headline was about a drugs bust caused by an anonymous report of a fire in the warehouse where the drugs were stored. I wonder who that could have been.

I had already heard the story but hearing it like this, on the news, made it even more real. Will was made out to be a hero, even though he was just an anonymous tipper.

"That tipper deserves a medal" my father decided as he went back to his crossword.

"I wonder why they didn't give a name" my mother pondered aloud.

"Probably because he'd have a bounty on his head if anyone knew who he was?" I suggested, feeling somewhat annoyed at my mother's lack of logic.

"He?" She raised an eyebrow at me. Oh dear. I wasn't supposed to know the tipper was a guy.

"Willow, I think we'd better go. Mr. Rose will kill me if I'm late" I lied, he'd be totally cool with it. You could ride in on an elephant and he'd be fine, unless of course you were Will Memory.

Willow and I bundled over to the car where Will was leaning waiting for us.

"Careful of my car Memory, it's precious" I ordered him as I got closer.

"Maybe you shouldn't be driving it then" he smirked at me.

"That's it, you're in the back. Willow, you get to come up front with me" I turned to smile at my sister. She seemed to be in a very good mood.

When we got into the car she slipped a disc into my CD player and before I knew it, terrible rap music was assaulting the speakers in my car.

"You guys actually listen to this? Like you enjoy it?" I asked as I drove along the street, trying to drown out the noise of them rapping along to Jay-Z.

"It's better than some of the stuff you listen to" Willow laughed in the seat next to me. She was so happy and open, it was like Will brought out this whole other side to her. He seemed to be doing that to a few people...

"We can't all appreciate the finesse and class of Mozart" Will pointed out from the back seat, sounding somewhat sarcastic.

"Actually I prefer Erik Satie" I mumbled quietly, aware I was only proving his point that I was a music nerd.

"You should hear some of the stuff she sings to" Willow turned to grin at Will. Apparently they were bonding over ganging up on me?

"I have, it's truly tragic" he shook his head as if disappointed.

"I forget, what instruments do you guys play?" I asked, knowing neither of them actually did. Will being able to play a few cords on the piano didn't count.

"Nobody has the time to learn to play three instruments" Willow rolled her eyes, but I could tell me was amused.

"Three?" Will leaned forward, poking his head between the two seats.

"Piano, guitar and the flute, although her flute playing is pretty appalling" Willow told him.

"Some might say it's amazing, but whatever" I shrugged it off.

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