5. Teach Me

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Kiss With  A Fist - Florence And The Machine

"Eurgh" I groaned as a text alert woke me up, I couldn't believe people were seriously still messaging me. I was fuming, I was a huge insomniac and I barely got any sleep, yet the one time I managed to fall asleep early I got woken up by a text. Will really had gone too far.

Here Lucky, you can add my number to your brand new collection. I imagine its quite extensive by now. Save me as 'Handsome Devil'.

I had never been inclined towards murder before, but I was going to kill him.

I've saved you as 'Devil'. I replied, flipping over and attempting to fall back asleep. I knew it wasn't going to happen though.

Where's the handsome?  My phone buzzed yet again.

I don't know, where did you leave it? I was implying that he wasn't incredibly good looking, but that was totally not true. He didn't have to know my true opinion though, his ego was already inflated enough.

That was uncalled for Lucky, he told me, despite the fact it was completely called for. He woke me up and he would pay. That was enough interacting with the devil for one night. I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep for several hours, but I would prefer to stare blankly at the ceiling than talk to Will any more.


Ten dollars, ten whole dollars it cost me to hire the services of a freshman! Back in my day we were terrified of seniors and would have done anything they asked of us for free! The youth these days are getting more and more disrespectful. Gee, I'm turning into all of the old ladies that used to sass me for having black hair and make up.

Even though my plan wouldn't be delivered until lunch time, I set it into action the moment I saw Sutton at her locker.

"Hey Blondie" I greeted her with a grin, being extra friendly. She had originally befriended me because we shared the same blonde hair and she thought if would be fun for us to nickname each other Blondie. I played along initially, until I realised that Sutton only thought about one thing. Sutton.

"Hey to you too Blondie" she grinned in reply, obviously pleased I had resurrected the hideous nickname.

"So I meant to ask you, how are things going with Will? Usually by now you'd have him wrapped around your little finger" I sounded so fake I wanted to claw my own throat out, but Sutton didn't notice it. She thought I was just like Santana and Sarah - obsessed with her life.

"I'm not sure, I mean, he's a flirty guy, isn't he? But like, I texted him last night and got no reply?" she told me. It made me briefly happy to hear that he had gone out of his way to text me, but couldn't even be bothered to reply to Sutton's text. For once a guy was able to resist her 'allure'.

It surprised me that Will wasn't all over her back. The guy I had known originally was a complete sleaze, who got with anyone who showed him the slightest bit of interest, and Sutton was practically like one of those baboons waving her butt in the air as an invitation.

"Something tells me that he's more of a grand gesture guy, you know?" I tried not to laugh.

"Do you think so?" she seemed pleased to hear this.

"Yeah Sutton, you've just got to keep your cool and he'll be drooling over you in no time" I assured her with a friendly smile on my face.

"Good" she grinned at me, a smile that didn't reach her eyes, like most of her smiles. "I'll see you at lunch blondie" she blew me a kiss before sauntering off.

Revenge was going to be so sweet.

"Hey, Malia. I wanted to let you know that the grafitti has been removed this morning, so the texts should stop soon" Mr. Rose informed me as soon as I walked into the class room.

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