2. Bora Bora Baby

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When school finally finished, after two more gruelling periods of trying to avoid Will, I got to enjoy the delightful company of my little sister on our drive home. I asked her how her day was when she got in the car and all I got was a grunt in reply. It was a 'no talking' day.

In fact, she didn't talk to me again until we pulled up on our street. "Wait, isn't that the new boy? I saw you sitting with him at lunch," she pointed over to the house opposite ours, the Pattersons'. I was tempted to crash my car into a tree at full speed when I saw him leaning on his car on their driveway.

"Hey neighbours!" he called and waved across the street and I nearly died. There was no way, absolutely no way, that he had wheedled his way into my friendship group and he was my neighbour . The world wanted me to suffer, it was karma for all my bad deeds of the past.

"He's so hot," Willow chimed once we were inside the safety of our home.

"He's bad news," I corrected her. The look I got in reply would make babies cry, I swear.

"That's rich, coming from you," she huffed before hurtling up the stairs, without even looking back at me. I just shook my head and carried on into the kitchen.

"Hey mom, I'm going out tonight so I'll just make myself some dinner now," I told her when I walked in, naturally she was looking out at the front of the house, probably to the Pattersons'.

"Malia, I don't think that's a very good idea. You know you have to be careful," she warned me, turning to face me as I began pulling ingredients our of the fridge. She gave me her 'serious mother' look.

"I always am careful, I don't drink, I don't mix with the wrong people and I always leave early," I assured her.

"Hmm. I suppose so," she agreed, sitting down at the island counter. "So, who's the new boy at the Pattersons'?" she asked what I'm sure she had been dying to ask since I walked in.

"Um, he goes to school. His names Will". Technically, I didn't lie. I just omitted the truth that we had actually met at juvy.

"Hmm, maybe he's their nephew or something. We should invite them all round for dinner one night. Wouldn't that be great" she suggested, but I spun to face her with a look of horror.

"No!" I exclaimed before she gave me a strange look "He just doesn't seem very social, I doubt he'd appreciate it," I lied. So far, from what I could tell, Will was extremely social and charismatic. He was already everyone's friend at school.

"Still, I'll ask to be polite," she insisted.


"Yeah, but do you really think he'd go for someone like Sutton?" Emma asked, for the second time on that single car ride. It was only a twenty minute drive but she made it feel like twenty hours the way she kept going on about Will.

"Yes, I do. I think Will Memory would go for anything with legs. In fact, I know he would," I rolled my eyes. Why did all the girls seem to lose themselves over him? I personally felt that Emma was just using him as a way to distract herself from Peter. It had been clear to me for a while that the pair had feelings for one another, but neither would admit it.

"That still means I have a chance," she grinned. Emma was a gorgeous red head with green eyes to die for, she could get any guy she wanted with her unique looks, so that was a stupid comment.

"You're an idiot," I rolled my eyes again, I felt like they were going to roll out of my head. "Now remember, we have to leave at eleven thirty, twelve at the latest," I reminded her. It was my usual party rule, Emma was okay with it as long as she could drink and I would drive her home.

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